Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

About world's rail news, general news, my train pictures, and travel diary)

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List of my travel diary My train photoes The other contents

Entries from 2010-12-01 to 1 month


朝起きて朝食会場に行きますが、朝食会場が3ヶ所あり、どこへ行っても良いみたいだったので、眺めが良いと思われる23階の朝食会場へ。 エレベーターで23階へ行って、エレベーターを降りると… 広島市内の夜景*1が一面に広がっていました。 瀬戸内海を眺めなが…



近鉄で大阪難波へ。 難波から御堂筋線で梅田へ。 大阪からは新快速で姫路へ。 姫路駅の「えきそば」を頂きます。学割大盛そばがあったので、それを注文。まさかこんな場所で学生証を提示するとはねぇ。 姫路からは新快速で相生へ。 英賀保で225系とすれ違い…

広島周辺の都市鉄道完乗へ 乗車記録はこちら


昨日は 北京地下鉄15号線(望京西〜後沙峪)、上海地下鉄7号線(上海大学〜美蘭湖)が開通し、 本日は KORAIL空港鉄道(金浦空港〜ソウル)が開通しました。 KORAIL空港鉄道ですが、何と直通列車は金浦空港すら通過するみたいです。ということは仁川国際空港…


東京スカイツリーの完成に合わせて、業平橋駅が「東京スカイツリー駅」に改称されるらしいです。 市町村合併の新地名といい、新駅といい、変な名前の駅が増える事が最近多いみたいですが、今回は東武鉄道の本社の最寄り駅をこんな駅名にするとは酷いですね。…

There are many lies in information session of job-hunting

In information session of job-hunting, speakers talk about the rule of Mehrabian. "The rule of Mehrabian" is that a man's impression consists of factors wriiten below when he/she speaks to another man How he/she looks・・・55% How he/she …

Japanese media admits drug addicts to appear on TV?

Noriko Sakai(Her nickname is "Noripi") appeared on TV as last week. She said the reason of having abused drug "I was mainly influenced by my husband, who recommended me for drug. He is on most familiar terms with me and I trust him. But, b…

I trid to think about my communication skill

※I'll write thls section in the near future.

It is estimated that New Year's card from me would be delayed

Japan Post announces that New Year's cards should be sent by December 25th in order to be received on January 1th. But, due to my congested schedule, I haven't finished writing New Year's cards. So, if you are a receiver of my card, I apol…

A wife in my part-time job gave me chocolat as a Chiristmas present

When I was to go home from the work, a wife gave me chocolat as a Chiristmas present. She did so probably because she might realize that I would be pity to spend Chiristmas alone. I appreciate her consideration. By the way, a lady in my pa…

I left the university after 22:00 as yesterday

I helped the experiment of my senior researcher until 21:30.Then, I was talking with my senior researchers until 22:30. At 22:30, I decided not to go back home but to go to my relatives' house locates near the university. This is why I'm t…

Drinking session was held among our researchers

I took part in it, and it was held until late at night. So I'll reach my house at later than 0:00.

My senior researcher is in financial problem

He has to pay for various objects. First, he is going to take part in a lot of end-year parties.It is estimated that he would spend 20000 YEN on end-year parties. Second, he has to date with his sweetheart on every Sunday. And he has to bu…

Riajyu made light of my knowledge about transportation

I:I've heard that you would drive to Umeda when we return from the next trip.Would you mind dropping me off on the way to Umeda? Riajyu:Yes. I:Then, will you use Nishimeihan expwy? Riajyu:Instead I use it, I'll use the tunnel directly conn…


私「今度の旅行の帰りは梅田までクルマを運転するそうですが、途中で降ろしてもらえないですか?」 リア充の先輩「無理やな」 私「えーと、西名阪を通るのですか?」 リア充の先輩「西名阪は通らんな。曽爾から梅田まで直結のトンネルがあんねん。」 私「(「…

A senior researcher in my laboratory was astounded by my travel in winter

I told him that I would go to Hiroshima to ride on the line listed below. ・Johoku line ・Hiroden Miyajima line ・Hiroden Yokogawa line ・Skyrail service Then, he said "You'll go all the way to Hiroshima only to ride the lines!" And he be…

Destiny of the drinking session

The drinking session in my class will be held tomorrow. But, there is the concern that the drinking session won't be held due to lack of participants. Because everyone is thought to be involved in respective experiment before the drinking …

There are couples making love with each other even in Kyoto University

The other day, I've heard from my colleague who is a student of Kyoto University that his friend makes love with sweetheart. I'm surprised to know a Kyo-dai*1 student ,who is supposed to know the risk of making love, shows no hesitate to m…


ドイツ・ミュンヘン・・・Uバーン3号線(OEZ〜Moosach) ドイツ・シュトゥトガルト・・・Uバーン6号線(Möhringen Freibad〜Fasanenhof Schelmenwasen) ドイツ・アウクスブルク・・・6号線(Rotes Tor〜Friedberg West) ドイツ・フランクフルト・・・Uバー…

Many railway lines in Japanese rural area are to be abolished due to financial crisis

Since the last month, I've heard a lot of news about railway lines in danger. Operator Line Status JR west Johana Line It may be abolished after Hokuriku Shinkansen extends to Kanazawa in 2014 JR west Himi Line It may be abolished after Ho…

Student number was arranged by sex

A wife in part time job said that her student number was large because numbering in male was followed by numbering in female, when she was an elementary student. She added that I don't agree with numbering by mixed gender. Male should lead…

I blame Tokyo's decision for regulating comics and animation

It has been disputed whether comics and animation including sexual descriptions should be regulated or not. The parliament of Tokyo passed the bill restricting comics and animation including sexual descriptions. Why do many people assume t…

She wrapped her scarf around neck and 30% of her face

I saw that a girl from Osaka City entered the classroom. Due to today's low temperature, she wrapped her scarf not only around her neck but also around lower 30% of her face. So, she seemed to be a moslem at a glance. It is difficult for …

Extra trains run on the days Kobe luminarie is held

※Kobe luminarie is a illumination festival in memory of the victims of Great Hanshin earthquake. Extra trains are Rapid Express service leaves Hanshin-Sannomiya at 20:15 and 21:15 on every Saturdays and Sundays during Kobe luminarie held f…


http://www.ce.cn/cysc/newmain/dh/gq/201012/06/t20101206_20568094.shtml に写真がありますが、本文は中国語。どうやら長春客車のご自慢ばかり書いてるみたいですw 編成:8両編成(6M+2T) 最高時速:80km/h で、従来の車両と大して変わりませんが、長春客車…

I had electric batteries in my watch replaced

On my way home, I dropped in at BIC CAMERA*1 Namba branch to replace batteries in my watch. Because I didn't know which floor has the corner to deal with repairing watches, I stoodin front of the information board furnished on the wall. Af…

I'm between "Riajyu"s

※"Riajyu" means people who are in good terms with their oppsite sex."Ria" is the shortened word "Real" and "jyu" means "full" in Japanese.So,its original meaning is "having full chances of communicating with real friends" By the way,"Riajy…


年末も近いので纏めてみました。 私の知る限りなので、漏れがあるかもしれません。 1月1日・・・中国・上海地下鉄張江有軌電車(張江高科〜張東路金秋路) 1月8日・・・インド・デリー地下鉄3号線(Yamuna Bank - Anand Vihar) 1月31日・・・イラン・テヘラ…

Fukushima prefecture has hope and anxiety about extension of Tohoku Shinkansen

Quoted from 東北新幹線 全線開業期待と不安(YOMIURI ONLINE) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/e-japan/fukushima/news/20101204-OYT8T00048.htm Tohoku Shinkansen was extended to Shin-Aomori today. Travel industries in Fukushima prefecture find out busin…