Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2017-12-01 to 1 month

This is the last post in the year of 2017

Ranging from news to my travel diary, I've posted my diary everyday this year. As far as I can, I'd like to post everyday even in 2018. Have a good year!

Why does it ignore an important airport?

Xiamen Metro opened on December 30, 2017 http://www.urbanrail.net/as/cn/xiamen/xiamen.htmThough Xiamen has more than 5 million people, including suburban cities, it has no metro system before inauguration of this metro. I wonder why there …

Why is it horrible to leave emerge of populism?

10 questions that could keep you up at night in 2018 http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/27/opinions/10-questions-2018-opinion-ghitis/index.htmlEspecially, the fact that raw populism became so popular around the world in recent years is the big…

Why don't you take new KTX line?

Winter Olympic KTX line inaugurated http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/high-speed/single-view/view/winter-olympic-ktx-line-inaugurated.htmlEast Coast of Korean Peninsula had been isolated from high speed rail networks before inauguration o…

Why is it energy inefficient just to imitate Western architecture?

What traditional buildings can teach architects about sustainability http://edition.cnn.com/style/article/vernacular-architecture-sustainability/index.htmlExplicitly, concrete buildings with wide windows are not suitable for high humidity …

Why was the subway line named in such a way?

Wuhan opens three metro lines in one day http://www.metro-report.com/news/metro/single-view/view/wuhan-opens-three-metro-lines-in-one-day.htmlBasically, subway lines in Mainland China are named as the numbers like Shanghai Metro Line 1. Bu…

Why can we define the most beautiful lady in an easy way?

Is this the world's next top supermodel? http://edition.cnn.com/style/article/models-1-new-faces-exhibition/index.htmlIt's difficult to define the factor that looks beautiful, because it depends on cultural background. For example, in a co…

Why does every bullet train have to run at 300km/h?

Japan says Thai bullet train to cost nearly $13bn https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/Economy/Japan-says-Thai-bullet-train-to-cost-nearly-13bn?utm_source=paid.outbrain.com&utm_campaign=BA%20JPN&utm_medium=referralThe most important th…

Why are they backlashed?

North Korea fan club: "We had lots of hate messages" http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-42368978/north-korea-fan-club-we-had-lots-of-hate-messages?ocid=socialflow_twitterI don't know why they are hated. Even if North Korean political sy…

Why did they change diagram?

Japan's JR group's simultaneous diagram revision in March, 2018 http://dia.seesaa.net/article/20180317_JR_new_timetable_breaking.html(Translation begins) JR East http://www.jreast.co.jp/press/2017/20171213.pdf ・During morning time, throug…

Why electric cars are fuel consuming vehicles?

2018 will be the year of the electric car http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/21/technology/2018-year-of-the-electric-car/index.htmlJudging from energy conversion rate, it's not good to use full type electric cars. Surely, hybrid cars, which rege…

Why don't we have to see Cascade accidents seriously?

Overspeed focus in Amtrak derailment http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/passenger/single-view/view/overspeed-focus-in-amtrak-derailment.htmlIt's so serious accident, if it is truly caused by different signalling system between PTC and CTC.…

Why don't you eat chicken on the Christmas day?

Around the world, kids' Christmas gifts include KFC, books and 'pooping logs' http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/20/health/christmas-facts-children-parenting-without-borders-intl/index.htmlThough Christmas is originally an event of Christians,…

Why is it serious to encounter disruption of flight in US?

Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport restores power after crippling outage http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/17/us/atlanta-airport-power-outage/index.htmlIt's convenient to use air service in United States. But, once sudden disruption of air …

Why does he eat a lot of unhealthy food?

edition.cnn.comAccording to "Sunday Japon", a famous TV program in Japan, Trump is suspected to have a symptom of stroke. That's because he couldn't pronounce "United States" clearly in his statements. Definately, it wil be due to his eati…

Why don't you ride a train running on a track bulit tens of minutes ago?

Without signalling system, Airport Train carried out trial running soon after completion of track laying toyokeizai.net(Translation begins) Airport Express is scheduled to begin operation between Sudiman and Soekarno Hatta International Ai…

Why wasn't there metro line 5 years ago?

Erdoğan opens first driverless metro line in Istanbul http://www.metro-report.com/news/metro/single-view/view/erdogan-opens-first-driverless-metro-line-in-istanbul.htmlWhen I visited Istanbul 5 years ago, there was no metro systems on the …

Why is it the main factor for the best airports?

Say it with a smile: The world's happiest airports http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-happiest-airports/index.htmlThe trend that where you can communicate in English with airport staff is favored seems to be interesting. When I w…

Why can you expect Ivory Coast became first?

Macron joins Abidjan metro groundbreaking http://www.metro-report.com/news/projects/single-view/view/macron-joins-abidjan-metro-groundbreaking.htmlIt will be the first metro in Central Africa and will also be the first airport transportati…

Why don't governments try to regulate cryptocurrency?

North Korea may be making a fortune from bitcoin mania http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/12/technology/north-korea-bitcoin-hoard/index.htmlWhile cryptocurrency is said to overwhelm real currency, what seems to overwhelm us is North Korean invol…

Why don't they have lesser ground-level stations?

Nanjing opens suburban metro Line S3 http://www.metro-report.com/news/metro/single-view/view/nanjing-opens-suburban-metro-line-s3.htmlGround level station seems to be rare in China's metro stations which began service within 10 years. That…

Why do they want to solve by actual war?

edition.cnn.comI can understand that Trump doesn't care tensions between North and South Korea, since his home country is extremely far away from the disputing area. But, what made us puzzled is that the prime minister of Japan and certain…

Why is it dangerous to use the same tooth brush for a long time?

5 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Tooth Brush Every 3 Months http://fithog.com/change-toothbrush/?utm_term=My+Daily+MagazineWhen I saw a dentist today, she said "You should change your way of brushing tooth. Your current way won't remov…

List of urban railways without any urban rail system

Even in 2017, there are still a lot of mega cities which don't have any city rail. I listed them up from the largest one. Populations include suburb cities'. But, due to subway plans of these cities, Lagos will be the 1st followed by Bandu…

Why does it cost a lot to build subways in old cities?

Shatin – Central project faces 23% cost increase http://www.metro-report.com/news/infrastructure/single-view/view/shatin-central-project-faces-23-cost-increase.htmlIt's the first time for me to hear that construction work has increased its…

Why don't focus on the newest circular line?

First circular line in Chengdu opened as the trial operation. "Wisest Brain" http://www.chinanews.com/m/cj/2017/12-04/8391884.shtml(Summary of the article) 9 o'clock on December 6th, Chengdu Metro Line 7 began trial operation officially. T…

Why are they constructing rail networks again in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles light rail extension groundbreaking http://www.metro-report.com/news/news-by-region/americas/single-view/view/los-angeles-light-rail-extension-groundbreaking.htmlUrban Rail in Los Angeles once flourished as Pacific Electric Rai…

Why is the toilet revolution important?

China to get extreme toilet makeover to boost tourism http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/china-toilet-revolution/index.htmlIt's one of the biggest issues in China. While a coworker in my previous workplace was on a business trip to coun…

Why don't you see thenew trains on Tokyu and Sotetsu Lines(相鉄20000系と東急2020系撮影)

I headed for Kashiwadai, where Sotetsu 20000 series train is placed. In front of the station, a couple of people on a pedestrian deck arching over Sotetsu Line were seeing the objective train, Sotetsu 20000 series. The train was newly manu…

Why don't they show train systems explicitly?

www.metro-report.comThe most serious issues in New York Subway are safety in the subway stations and complicated train routes and sorts. The former issue is gradually improved through "If you see something, say something" promotion by the …