Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

About world's rail news, general news, my train pictures, and travel diary)

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List of my travel diary My train photoes The other contents

Entries from 2010-11-01 to 1 month

Personal 2011 issue

I realized that the number of persons I would talk with usually might decrease extremely in 2011. ・In laboratory 13 persons→6 persons(estimated) Due to graduates・In class Because there will be no class except for the class I failed to pa…

A Lady who is a student of Tottori university visited this diary

If you see the access counter locates in the sidebar of this diary, You can see the urgent increase of accesses on November 25. Most of the accesses were from Tottori Prefecture.And I heard from my friend who is a student of Tottori Univer…

Whether Shintetsu(Kobe Electric Railway) Ao Line remains or not will be decided by March,2011

Refer to The Kobe Shimbun news On November 26,2010, Shintetsu decided to judge whether Shintetsu Ao Line(Suzurandai〜Ao 29.2km),which forces the company to compensate deficit, remains or not by March,2011. Deficit in this year is predicted…

フランス ツールーズで路面電車T1線が本日開業

上記路線のArenes〜Aeroconstelletionが開業しました。 「Aero」と付いているので空港連絡鉄道かと思いきや、ツールーズの空港連絡鉄道はこれとは別に2013年に開業予定らしいです。 こういう事があると、「2回生の時もフランス語履修すれば良かった」と思い…

Why is social networking service favored in hunting for a job?

I often hear "I opened my new account on Twitter or Mixi in order to get information about job-hunting". ※Mixi is one of famous social networking services in Japan. Probably, they were affected by the rumour says that no one succeeds in jo…

A train on Midosuji Line was delayed due to cleaning inside the train.

I rode the train with my friend who is from Takatsuki. As soon as I had sat down the seat, Announcement said "We are sorry for annoying you by the delay of this train. This train is under cleaning.Please wait for departure until the cleani…

I had a dream of wandering a mysterious hospital

I went to the old hospital to see my grandfather*1. But, All the function except for 5th floor was moved to a new hospital ,and my grandfather's room located on 5th floor. So, I have to pass through floors where we could see nobody. In add…

I knew the existence of the express train departs at Takanohara

When I was riding on the train bound for Saidaiji, I asked my colleague whether he can ensure a seat on his way to school. He replied that he takes the express train departs at Takanohara in order to ensure a seat. Express trains on Kintet…

Twitter serves as a website to search one's sweetheart?

Some people seems to misunderstand the contents of Twitter. The other day, a wife in my part time job sent me e-mail telling that She would open the Twitter account because her husband allowed her to do it on condition that she visits the …


2010年11月15日にサウジアラビアのメッカで地下鉄が開業しました。 UrbanRail.Netによると 開業区間:Jamarat(ジャマラット)〜Arafat 1(アラファト1) 全長:18.1km 建設の目的:(Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah)ミナ、アラファト、ムズダリファ*1などの…

Her absence on December 24th and 25th made us angry

※Notice that couples in Japan are supposed to spend the Chiristmas' night ????ing*1 together regardless of their religion.By the way, I will have to carry out the experiment of physical chemistry until night on the day.So, this is the cert…

JR west 287series train will run on Kisei Main Line

Limited Express Trains in Kisei Main Line consist of "Ocean Arrow","Kuroshio" ,and "Super Kuroshio". Because the 381series train used as "Kuroshio" or "Super Kuroshio" has run the long life since electrification of Kisei Main Line(west sid…

The girl from Kobe in my class appeared

I had a dream last night. The contents of the dream is written below. I got up so late that I was about to be late for school. I ran from a station to school.(Maybe it was not school I belong to) On my way to school, I noticed someone was …

"I have to eat Hitsumabushi,because I'm poor?"

↑My senior researcher said. ※Hitsumabushi and Unadon is a kind of Japanese foods. The researcher is from Aichi prefecture.So, He often eat Hitsumabushi ,which is famous as local dish in Aichi. Hitsumabushi is dish which is rice mixed with …

Can you touch my foot?

↑My senior researcher asked me. His skin on the bottom of foot seems to be peeled off.He expect it to be the athelete foot. Therefore, he asked me whether I can touch his foot to make sure the situation. As soon as I refused it,he said to …

A consealed history was left in the shelf

Today, I had to help my professor cleaning the old laboratory. When I cleaned the higher floor of the shelf,I found a torn photo on which my professor and a stranger was. The stranger is female and looks like younger than he does. Then, I …

Drinking session with college students is to that with Seifu students what Chinese media is to Hong Kong media

※Replace "Seifu students" with "males". It may be easier for you to understand the content.I talked with my colleage in part time job two days ago.I told him that it is difficult for me to choose the word when I speak in drinking session w…

Kintetsu 22600 series train won the laurel prize

I went to Osaka pref univ to attend a forum.On my way there,I found the letter written "近鉄特急22600系 ローレル賞受賞".Its meaning is the same as today's title of this diary. Laurel prize is bestowed to the train with technical excellence…

The problem in gathering three persons

After lunch,my mother's friends came to my house. One of them asked my mother to teach her how to print the image of a Korean actor on CD.Then,my mother began to teach her it.So,another friend was left alone. I was afraid of her loneliness…


↑Twitterで知りました 前から思っていたんですが、鉄道ファンとアニメオタクを兼業している方って多いですね。だから、こんな情報がすぐに入ってきたのも私がそんな方を多数フォローしているからです。木津川市の友人は「物質崇拝」と評しておりましたが、鉄…


「お前が言うな」と言われそうですが、研究室に妙な趣味を持つ方が2人居まして… そのうちの1人、北葛城郡の先輩と喋っていたのですが、どうやらパチンコが趣味のようで、パチンコのためにアルバイトでお金を稼いでいるみたいです。 今日も早々と研究室に行く…

近鉄大阪線 近鉄八尾駅でグモ

帰宅時刻が遅くなった事もあり、直接の影響は受けませんでしたが、列車の充当変更等があって駅の案内は若干混乱していました。 私は中学1年生の時から電車通学ですが、こんなに頻繁に連日のように人身事故って起こってましたかね。 まぁ、阪和線は当時から人…


帰り、大阪難波駅ホームに降りると消火栓の上にペットボトルや空き缶が10本以上並べてあったので、何事かと思って付近を見渡してみますと、APECの治安対策で閉鎖されたゴミ箱がありました。 人間、ゴミ箱を見つけた時点でゴミを持っておく意志が急激に低下す…


事の発端は私がSY1698さんの日記に書いたコメント。 中国の「抵制日貨」(=日本製品排斥)に対して、「天津地下鉄ではかつて東急車輌の電車が使われており、現有車両でもインバータが三菱製だったりするので、抵制日貨は不可能。」と書きました。 しかし、…


書き終わりました。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/20101103

台北捷運 南港線の市政府駅、国父記念館駅、淡水線の圓山駅に可動柵が設置される

去年、私が台湾に行った時の写真と比較すれば分かりやすいと思います。 去年の訪問時に撮った写真 で、今では 西船junctionどっと混む掲示板に投稿された「土豆さん」の写真のようになっています。 いずれは全駅に設置されるんでしょうかね。




蘆洲線が入った地図は中文版Wikipediaにも無かったので、公式HPへのリンクを示しておきます。 路線圖暨車站資訊 その地図を見れば分かりますが、台北では花博が開催されているんですね。 一方、広州の方はWikipediaの地図を参照 Guangzhou Metro MapA 未開通…


今日は1回生と一緒に受ける某授業がありました。 前に日記に書いた時は1回生全員がうるさいようなニュアンスで書きましたが、実際に騒音の中核を担うのが Aグループ:女1人と男3人 Bグループ:女4人 です。(名前は仮称) この他の1回生は授業態度に特に問題…

Travel on Nov 3,2010

To tell the truth,I moved from the college to my groundmother's house directly last night. So,I began this travel from the house. I moved to Namba by using the train departed Hanazonocho at 5:27 for Nishi-Umeda.Due to the restriction of my…