Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2011-04-01 to 1 month


宿で朝風呂に入った際に、トラブル発生。 何と露天風呂の排水溝に貴重品の鍵を落としてしまったのです。 すぐさま服を着てフロントへ。フロントの対応は早く、すぐに係員に電話を掛けて現場に急行させていました。 風呂場に戻って私が事情を説明すると、下を…


早朝に起きて、近鉄とJRを乗り継いで新大阪へ。 ここから鹿児島中央行きの「さくら」に乗りたいところですが、時間の関係で乗れず。 博多行きの「のぞみ」で新山口へ移動。こちらもGWという事で満席。 グリーン車に乗車。恐らく、人生初のグリーン車です。 …

Tomorrow, I'll go out

I'm going to go to Yamaguchi. Although I passed Yamaguchi prefecture within 4 months ago, I'll go along Yamaguchi Line after the interval of 9 years. By the way, I went to Busan, Korea last GW*1. As I went abroad last GW, I would like to g…

I feel shame

I often feel shame when a passenger neighboring me reads sports newspaper. Generally speaking, sports newspaper in Japan includes sexual contents. I'm afraid that a passenger reading sexual contents are noticed by female passengers. I woul…


これは国内向けに流すべきと判断したので日本語で。 先日、大学の食堂で昼食を取っていました。 食後はトレーをベルトコンベアーの上に置いておかないといけませんが、昼休みはそのベルトコンベアーに人が殺到してしまいます。 効率的にトレーを流すにはベル…

Her destination was same as me

When I retrieved her name on the Internet, I found the website mentioned her. Judging from the department, school, university,and picture of her on the website, I'm sure that the identity corresponds to her. The website says that she went …

These days, less young people have appetite

I'm often said to be a big eater by my counterparts, despite my grandfather regards me as a small eater. When my grandfather was a teenager, he used to eat much more than I do. On the other hand, most of my friends eat less than I do. I do…


2009年9月1日に旅行で訪れた*1女川町の「いしのまきや」ですが、Googleの上空写真を見てみると津波にさらわれて跡形も分からない状態です。 私が訪れた時は旅館の管理人さんが旅館の隣の公文で授業中で、授業中にお邪魔してチェックインした記憶がありますが…

My friend seemed to have a quarrel with someone

When I was walking on a path connecting two buildings, I found a female talked with a male. The female is an undergraduate student in my department ,and the male seems to be her sweetheart. They were seriously talking.But, I couldn't hear …

Judging from the box of received e-mails…

It is the common event that a husband's sweetheart is exposed by checking the sender of received e-mails. If a female who sends e-mail to him more frequently than any other sender, the femail should be regarded as his sweetheart. But, when…


・1999年以前 JR九州、JR西日本、神鉄、阪神、阪急、大阪市営地下鉄、近鉄、京阪、南海、京都市営地下鉄、JR東海、叡山電鉄、京福電鉄、福井鉄道、万葉線、富山地鉄、大井川鉄道、JR東日本、JR北海道 ・2000年 名鉄・2001年 北陸鉄道・2002年 山陽電鉄、名古…

Midosuji Line suspended operation temporarily

Because an accident resulting in injury happened at Daikokucho station on Midosuji Line,Midosuji Line suspended operation temporarily. I took the trains on Nankai Koya Line instead of Midosuji Line. It is often said that spring is the seas…

My friend asked me to…

When I borrow the weighing machine in his laboratory, he began to speak to me something seriously. I thought a sad event struck him. But, what he told was so simple that I was in blank amazement. To tell the truth, he asked me to lend him …


史跡では架空電車線方式が望ましくないといいう理由でそうなったみたいです。 ・路線数:2路線 ・路線長:11.2km ・駅数:23駅 ・軌間:1435mm ・車両:アルストム(32.4m×2.7m)5両編成が18編成(各編成の定員:205人、座席数:56席) また、TGVのBezannes…


先日申しました通り、アルバイト先への運用は臨時1往復になり、運用時間帯も大幅に削減されました。 しかし、本日はその1往復さえも削減されてしまうケースが発生致しました。 また、担当時間帯の定期運用の月間成績報告書の提出も本日を以て終了致しました…

Beef Kimchi bowl tastes worse than my expectation

On my way home, I ate out at Yoshinoya. There, I ordered Beef Kimchi bowl. But, it tastes bad because it tastes too spicy and because abundant succulence derives from Kimchi robs rice of its flavor. I wish the menu would be improved.

The contents of my presentation on the next Monday

My name is ××××.I'm 22 years old and will be 23 years old next month. I live in ××××× city, Nara prefecture. It takes me about one and half hours to OPU. I'm a student of ××××× school, which is a part of ×××× Department. I belong to ×××× l…

Threat of academic filter

My senior researcher who is in job hunting said to me "I got the mail about the date of the company guidance. Then, I clicked the link in the mail only to find it full. But, I noticed that it was strange that the reservation was full, desp…

The SUBWAY shop in my university prepares for opening

I saw some clerks were tentatively in charge of custmers. They ordered something for the other clerks who are trainees. I doubt that our students go to the shop, because foods in SUBWAY are relatively expensive. Its price should be suitabl…

I wish I could eat snacks everyday

Because I was told to stay in the university at least for 8 hours a day on all the weekdays by my professor, I go home late at night. So, I'm hungry on my way home almost everyday. It makes me feel like going to a restaurant. But, taking i…


ちょっと事情があって、姫路市の「区」について自身の誤解があったみたいなので、備忘録としてここに書いておきます。 ・誤解 姫路市内には全地域に「区」がある →「区」が付いているのは姫路の南部地域だけ。 1946年に飾磨市、飾磨郡広畑町、白浜町、揖保郡…

Men want to make victims their sweethearts

Since some victims of Tohoku Earthquake lost their houses, they have to live in other places temporarily. Therefore, many families in West Japan are recruiting the victims to their houses through the Internet. When hearing it, I thought it…

My senior researcher is in poverty

My senior researcher told me that he lost regular job. Though he had been worked at preparatory school as a teacher , he couldn't do it because many teachers including him hope to work on every Saturdays. He wasn't adapted to the teacher w…

I welcomed new students

I was surprised at the fact that 3 students of them are from the same high school as me. I spoke to 2 of them. The first man I spoke to was so shy that I couldn't talk with him for a long time. But, another man I spoke to let me develop th…


4月5日、月曜日、コンゴのキンシャサ空港に着陸しようとしていたUN航空機が墜落した。 UN航空の発表によると乗員33名のうち32名が死亡。 コンゴ川のキサンガニ市を離陸した当機は乗客29名と乗組員4名が搭乗していた。 乗組員には平和維持軍、人道支援に当た…

I have nothing to do with fashion

My grandfather asked me whether I'm interested in fashion or not. It is because my figure looks like Otaku or Geek. To tell the truth, I want to be a man adapted to current fashion. But, it will be difficult for me to coordinate my clothes…

The way I work seems wrong

I have to decrease the time to work in a part-time job. Firstly, I thought its cause was the economic depression in Japan or that conservative inhabitants are reluctant to make use of our office. But, after I checked the time of the other …

I knew Kyoto University has Uji Campus

When I went to Obaku station in Uji to worship my ancestor's graves, I found the sign indicating that Kyoto University locates 300m away from there. It seemed strange for me because I didn't know the existence of Uji Campus. I've heard non…


不景気によりアルバイト先の人員供給が需要を大きく上回るため、今週末よりspecial-rapid223の計画運休を実施する。 尚、他の多くのアルバイト人員も減便で対応しているが、生駒市の女性に関しては減便や計画運休をするとリア充機能がマヒするため、これらの…

Why do many people want to do the same thing as surroundings?

Ishihara Shintaro, who is the governor of Tokyo, said that we Japanese have to refrain from going picnic to see full cherry blossoms because we have to share the sufferings with victims of Tohoku Earthquake. So, many conductors of the flow…