Entries from 2011-03-01 to 1 month
I talked about twitter with my colleague yesterday. Then, I referred to chatting with my female follower who is my senior researcher. He said "Oh, I thought that you were approaching a new girl.". Regretly, she has already had her own swee…
バス停名 時刻 バス会社 系統 行先 三宮駅前 8:03 阪神バス 阪神西宮 阪神西宮 8:53 阪神西宮 9:15 阪神バス 阪神甲子園 阪神甲子園 9:38 阪神甲子園 9:50 阪神バス 阪神杭瀬駅北 阪神杭瀬駅北 10:23 阪神杭瀬駅北 11:48 阪神バス 野田阪神前 野田阪神前 13:…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4lVbegXl60(他人収録) 「淡路、淡路です。吹田、関大前、北千里、天六方面はお乗換えです。次は桂に停まります。右側の扉が開きます。お乗り間違えの無いようご注意ください。 We will soon arrive at Awaji. Please chan…
リニア・鉄道館と名古屋市営地下鉄桜通線開通を見に行った日の旅行記完成。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/20110327
When I passed near Shrike*1, I found its entrance changed. The logo of SUBWAY was added on the iron flame. To tell the truth, I want Midosuji "Subway" Line to extend to the university instead of SUBWAY. *1:The facility to study or talk with…
I often hear that my acquaintances pick up the bill for their underclassmans in their drinking session. In this country, it is the convention that senior students treat junior students to drinking sessions. I think the meaning of the conve…
近鉄とあおなみ線を乗り継いで、金城ふ頭へ。 駅前のリニア・鉄道館へ。 30分待ちの列に並びます。白髪のおっさんが隣をすぅ〜と通っていって、100人ぐらい順番抜かしをしてはりました。 さて、約20分後に入場券の前へ。近くに「世界の高速鉄道」を映像で紹…
※平日ダイヤです バス停名 時刻 バス会社 系統 行先 JR奈良駅前 8:04 奈良交通 160系統、161系統 学園前駅(南) 学園前駅(南) 8:31 学園前駅(北) 8:50 奈良交通 130系統 学研北生駒駅 学研北生駒駅 9:18 学研北生駒駅 11:19 奈良交通 188系統 生駒駅北…
Due to The Tohoku earthquake, some railway companies are in trouble. The factory which produce brushes used in DC motors has to stop working.This is because the factory locates within 30km from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, where nuclea…
・Trains for Nagoya from Toyokawa-Inari or Toyohashi(豊川稲荷、豊橋発 名古屋行き) In the morning, Two trains from Toyokawa-Inari will be added as Special Limited Express. Express train departing Toyohashi at 8:23 will be changed to Speci…
今日で今春の飲み会が終了。 もう研究室の先輩と会えないのは寂しいですね。まぁ、大半の先輩は京阪神地区に残るのでそれほど離れ離れにはなりませんが、1人東京に行く先輩が心配です。もれなく停電というハンデがついてくる女一人の東京生活は大丈夫なんで…
In Japan, "Ms Contest" is a contest to decide who is the most beautiful girl in a group. It is also held in our university. But, when it comes to figures of the participants, they looks worse than our expectation. I have the confidence tha…
Because I don't like taste of alcohol, I didn't drink any alcohol. It is usually the case of me.But, my colleagues (mainly students of Kyoto University) blamed me for avoiding drinking alcohol. Two colleagues said "It's a cunning way in th…
To see my pictures, click the letters"続きを読む" written below.
Due to the inconvenience such as lack of electricity indirectly caused by Tohoku earthquake, some inhabitants in Great Tokyo area have moved to Osaka in order to have a better life. Not only inhabitants in Tokyo but also foreign companies …
こちらからご覧下さい。(日本語)(Click the URL below. The diary is written in Japanese) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/20110306
その他以下の鉄道が運行しています。(Trains are also operated on the lines written below) ・津軽鉄道(鉄道全線)(Tsugaru Railway) ・弘南鉄道(鉄道全線)(Konan Railway) ・由利高原鉄道(鉄道全線)(Yuri Kogen Railway) ・福島交通(鉄道全線)…
I made an appointment with my friend at Osaka-Namba station. But, either of them went to Taisho station. He said that it was because he thought Osaka-Namba meant JR Namba station. Then, I told him to go to Nishikujo station in order to sav…
Its scale is M6.4.
Because I don't have enough time to write the train operations around Tokyo, I would like you to visit the website of each railway company. I'm sorry for your any inconvenience.
Translated from http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0314/TKY201103130323.html and so on. Do not blame me, if you are annoyed by believing the article written below! JR East ・Jyoetsu・Nagano Shinkansen→Operated by 20% of the regular serv…
According to the website, http://railf.jp/news/2011/03/10/131800.html ※Pictures are shown there. JR west 205series trains which were used in Hanwa Line will be used as Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe local trains. When they were used in Hanwa Line, the o…
It is applied to all the examination places in Japan.
Because there are a lot of pictures to upload, it takes me much time to finish writing the travel diary.
飛行機に搭乗すると、フライト時間が4時間45分らしく「やたら速いなぁ」と思いながら就寝。 起きると海南島の南側を飛んでいましたがまた就寝。 次に起きた時は台湾の台中付近を飛んでおり、台鉄縦貫線にそうような航路で北上していました。まぁ機内の地図で…
朝は4:00ぐらいに起床して支度をし、5:00からの朝日ツアーに備えます。 4:45ぐらいに階下に降りて、待っていますと約5分後に先輩の女性とそのお友達の方がやってきました。 5:00少し前にゲストハウスを出発。暗闇の中、トゥクトゥクで進んでいきますと検問所…
乗車路線 乗車区間 乗車キロ バンコク航空 シェムリアップ国際空港〜スワナプーム国際空港 計算外 エアポート・レール・リンク Suvarnabhumi〜Lat Krabang .km エアポート・レール・リンク Lat Krabang〜Suvarnabhumi .km 計 0.0km