Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2017-09-01 to 1 month

Why can we skip homeworks?

Are these the schools of the future? http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/27/health/future-schools/index.htmlEducation systems are being sophisticated at a rapid pace. The up-to-date machines like 3D Printer or other electronic gadgets will help…

Why are there 4 high speed lines from Lanzhou?

en.people.cnThough total population of Lanzhou is just less than 4 millions, there seems to be 4 high speed lines departing from Lanzhou. ・Baoji–Lanzhou High-Speed Railway(Opened in July 9, 2017) ・Lanzhou–Xinjiang High-Speed Railway(Open…

Why don't you report North Korea?

North Korea: Playing football in one of the world's most secretive states http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/26/football/erik-paartalu-playing-football-in-north-korea/index.htmlI would like to know how his life is. If I travel in North Korea, …

Why are they independent from Spain?

Catalan referendum, explained: What's behind the push to break from Spain? http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/27/europe/catalan-referendum-explained/index.htmlIn addition to economic difference, Cultural difference, especially linguistic diffe…

Why are they changing slowly?

Saudi Arabia to let women drive at last http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/26/politics/saudi-arabia-woman-drive/index.htmlSaudi Arabia is one of the countries that restrict women's rights most severely. But, the government tries to ease the re…

Why do they need metro?

Sydney Metro's first trainset arrives http://www.metro-report.com/news/metro/single-view/view/sydney-metros-first-trainset-arrives.htmlAt a glance, I thought that it's confused with City Rail. But, actually, it's a kind of metros which is …

Why don't you indulge in your hobby on board?

Flight attendant photographs behind the scenes of Virgin America http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/virgin-america-behind-the-scenes-photography/index.htmlThough it's impolite for her, I've heard that flight attendant is not treated as …

Why don't you ride train only by credit card without queueing in front of ticketing machines?

www.metro-report.com When I read the title of the article, I thought that it just shows installation of IC card. But, when you see the detail, you'll find that NFC reader currently accepts Visa cards. So, you can pass the exit by credit ca…

Why can't I wait for releasing of rolling stock designs?

www.railwaygazette.comThe article says "SG HSR and its Malaysian counterpart MyHSR Corp plan to call tenders later this year for the joint appointment of an Assets Company which would be responsible for designing, building, financing and m…

Why the world's leader is changing?

Russia, China use UN stage to push back on a US-led world order http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/21/politics/russia-china-us-unga-remarks/index.htmlTrump thinks that his threatening attitude would be a dignity of the world's leader. But, act…

Why it's not the 1st replica of Venice?

Dubai plans floating replica of Venice with underwater deck http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/dubai-floating-venice-resort/index.htmlAs far as I know, this is the 4th replica of Venice. Venetian Macau, Venetian Las Vegas, and Venetian …

Why do they store money?

3 signs you're living beyond your means http://money.cnn.com/2017/09/19/pf/living-beyond-your-means/index.htmlConsidering that 30% of Japan's citizens don't store money at all, while nearly half of the US citizens cannot keep a good balanc…

Why did they choose Siemens?

Siemens to supply trains for Bangkok Blue Line extension http://www.metro-report.com/news/news-by-region/asia-pacific-ex-china/single-view/view/siemens-to-supply-trains-for-bangkok-blue-line-extension.htmlI thought that conventional trains…

Why is it a chance to be caught by shower?

China's 'sponge cities' aim to re-use 70% of rainwater http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/17/asia/china-sponge-cities/index.htmlIn developing countries, rainwater often mixes with sewage. For example, in Philippines, I've seen slum area was si…

Why don't you think about color combinations which are not visible for colorblind people?

Island of the Colorblind': Where the jungle is pink, the sea is gray and the light is far too bright http://edition.cnn.com/style/article/sanne-de-wilde-island-of-the-colorblind/index.htmlBarrier-free policy for colorblindness has recently…

Why is joint venture benefitable?

Singapore LTA awards Circle Line 6 civils contracts http://www.metro-report.com/news/infrastructure/single-view/view/singapore-lta-awards-circle-line-6-civils-contracts.htmlJoint Venture of construction companies is common in Japan. One of…

Why are they rushing to Bitcoin?

IF YOU BOUGHT $5 OF BITCOIN 7 YEARS AGO, YOU’D BE $4.4 MILLION RICHER http://financejp.dailynews.ovh/index.html?a=99420&chm_sub6=007d5bdae84ea9f865307ba5e95aa29dda&chm_sub7=CNN&chm_ts=1505471414&chm_bannerId=50000&chm_zoneId=7771A coworker…

Why is that the world's longest escalator?

See Hong Kong using the world's longest outdoor escalator system http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/hong-kong-worlds-longest-escalator-system/index.htmlThe world's longest escalator, the article says, is divided into many sections. In o…

Why don't they want to see salary?

What happens when women know how much other women make http://money.cnn.com/2017/09/12/pf/women-pay-transparency/index.htmlIn Japan, getting to know others' salary is considered to be impolite, and wage gap between empolyees in the same ag…

Why do they cause terrorism?

16 years after 9/11: The state of the terrorist threat http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/09/opinions/terrorism-16-years-after-9-11-opinion-bergen/index.htmlDirect instruction from ISIS or radicalists is no more a major cause of terrorism in t…

Why don't you see a steam locomotive revived in Tobu Railway

SL Taiju, the steam locomotive which Tobu Railway borrows from JR Hokkaido, runs between Kinugawa-Onsen and Shimo-Imaichi in Tochigi.pref, Japan. I went there to see the locomotive. IMG_4475 posted by (C)gozami I went to Utsunomiya to ride…

Why is it important to take care of scents?

Scents on a plane: Why the aviation industry is waking up to fragrance http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/airplane-cabin-fragrances/index.htmlOne of the biggest memory during the trip to the foreign countries is scents at each airport. …

Why isn't it possible to see high speed trains in Siberia?

Tracklaying complete on Harbin – Jiamusi fast line http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/single-view/view/tracklaying-complete-on-harbin-jiamusi-fast-line.htmlJiamusi is one of the nearest cities to Russian border. The direct distance between…

Why are Japan's suburban department stores closing one after another?

Japan's suburban department stores in front of train stations are at crisis Mitsukoshi-Isetan, one of the biggest department store chains in Japan, decided closure of Matsudo branch. Like Matsudo branch, suburban department stores have bee…

Why are Rohingya people discriminated?

Aung San Suu Kyi blames 'terrorists' for Rohingya 'misinformation' http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/05/asia/rohingya-myanmar-bangladesh/index.htmlThough I don't know if Rohingya is related with Islamic State or radical Islamic Principlists, …

Why do they want to build monorails in Yinchuan?

BYD-built monorail opens in Yinchuan http://www.metro-report.com/news/news-by-region/china/single-view/view/byd-built-monorail-opens-in-yinchuan.htmlIn mid-20th century, monorail was expected to be futuristic transportation. But, as a resu…

Why is it difficult for South Korea to take breakthrough actions?

Seoul responds to North Korea's nuclear test with drills to 'wipe out' Kim http://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/04/asia/north-korea-nuclear-test/index.htmlThough US president leaves radical comments as usual, it's difficult for South Korea to im…

Why don't you visit destinations recovering its safety?

edition.cnn.comPalestinian territories and Egypt will remain its growth of tourists popularity. But, Northern Mariana Islands will be out of the ranking, due to North Korea's threat that intercontinental ballistic missile will hit Guam aft…

Travel Diary in Thailand completed

Sorry for being late. Please refer to the following link. http://special-rapid223.hatenablog.com/entries/2008/03/01#Travel top

Why don't you visit the former battlefield?

Baghdad metro operator sought http://www.metro-report.com/news/news-by-region/middle-east-africa/single-view/view/baghdad-metro-operator-sought.htmlI'm glad to hear that. It means safety in Baghdad is now high enough to build metro lines. …