Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2024-06-01 to 1 month

Amtrak ridership numbers in Hampton Roads are skyrocketing

Amtrak ridership numbers in Hampton Roads are skyrocketing https://www.wtkr.com/news/amtrak-ridership-numbers-in-hampton-roads-are-skyrocketingI wonder why Norfork Station, which just has 3 North East Regional train services per day, is ge…

Changsha Metro Line 1 was extended to Jinpenqiu from Kaifu District Government yesterday

Changsha Metro Line 1 was extended to Jinpenqiu from Kaifu District Government yesterday https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_1_(Changsha_Metro)This is the first time Changsha Metro crossed over Laodao River. Jinpenqiu seems to be manufact…

Shin-Keisei Electric Railway will be renamed as Keisei Matsudo Line from April, 2025. No change on timetable and fare.

新京成は「京成松戸線」。ダイヤ・運賃に変化無し。2025/4から Shin-Keisei Electric Railway will be renamed as Keisei Matsudo Line from April, 2025. No change on timetable and fare. https://dia.seesaa.net/article/503763118.html(Translation sta…

Salvador tram, Brazil works to start in July

Salvador tram works to start in July https://www.railwaygazette.com/light-rail-and-tram/salvador-tram-works-to-start-in-july/66790.articleIt's interesting that a city which gave up monorail project switched to tram project. Nearly 50 years…

British Airways resumed London/Heathrow - Jeddah flight. There will be 4 flights per week per each direction from November 4

ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズ、ロンドン/ヒースロー〜ジェッダ線を再開 11月4日から週4往復 British Airways resumed London/Heathrow - Jeddah flight. There will be 4 flights per week per each direction from November 4. https://www.traicy.com/pos…

Paris Metro M14 was extended to Orly Airport yesterday

M14 extension to Orly Airport https://www.ratp.fr/en/groupe-ratp/metrotrains/m14-extension-orly-airportAccording to the article, M14 is rapider than the conventional tram line. I guess this tram line means T7. Ironically, T7 is also planne…

Chinese coaches enter service in Montréal

Chinese coaches enter service in Montréal https://www.railwaygazette.com/passenger/chinese-coaches-enter-service-in-montreal/66812.article The Saint-Jérôme route, where new coaches were installed, seems to have a few train services. Especi…

America is Embracing High-Speed Rail

America is Embracing High-Speed Rail https://www.newsweek.com/america-embracing-high-speed-rail-1916080I was surprised at the poll that showed more than half of Trump supporters agree with construction of high speed rails, while he prefers…

Singapore MRT Thomson-East Coast Line was extended to Bayshore from Gardens by the bay on June 23

The seven new stations on Stage 4 of the line will officially open for passenger service on Sunday (Jun 23). https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/thomson-east-coast-line-tel-stage-4-opening-public-transport-lawrence-wong-4426096Accord…

China Eastern resumed flights between Kagoshima and Shanghai/Pudong from July 16. There will be 2 flights per week per each direction.

中国東方航空、鹿児島〜上海/浦東線の運航再開 7月16日から週2往復 China Eastern resumed flights between Kagoshima and Shanghai/Pudong from July 16. There will be 2 flights per week per each direction. https://www.traicy.com/posts/202406233023…

China Eastern will add flights between Hiroshima and Shanghai/Pudong from July 28. There will be 4 flights per week per each direction

中国東方航空、広島〜上海/浦東線を増便 7月28日から週4往復 China Eastern will add flights between Hiroshima and Shanghai/Pudong from July 28. There will be 4 flights per week per each direction https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240620302050/ In…

BART warns that its funding model is no longer feasible

BART warns that its funding model is no longer feasible https://www.railwaygazette.com/operations-and-services/bart-warns-that-its-funding-model-is-no-longer-feasible/66774.articleI think that BART and local autonomous units should concent…

PCC trolley cars return to service in Philadelphia

PCC trolley cars return to service in Philadelphia https://www.railwaygazette.com/light-rail-and-tram/pcc-trolley-cars-return-to-service-in-philadelphia/66751.articlePCC trolley cars are also used in some North American cities to attract t…

Trams return to Blackpool’s train station for the first time in 60 years

Trams return to Blackpool’s train station for the first time in 60 years https://www.blackpool.gov.uk/news/trams-return-to-blackpools-train-station-for-the-first-time-in-60-years.aspx?date=12-06-2024It's good to extend tram to the main tra…

Vietnam’s vintage 1960s steam locomotives are back on the rails

Vietnam’s vintage 1960s steam locomotives are back on the rails https://www.cnn.com/travel/vietnam-vintage-steam-trains-intl-hnk/index.htmlRather than sightseeing trains, I wish there should be more rapid trains between Ha Noi and Ho Chi M…

Qatar Airways launch Doha - Venice flight. The aviation company now has 3 Italian destinations.

カタール航空、ドーハ〜ヴェネツィア線開設 イタリア3都市に乗り入れ Qatar Airways launch Doha - Venice flight. The aviation company now has 3 Italian destinations. https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240613301863/QR125 Doha(09:00)- Venice(14:…

Brightline West announces temporary roadway closures as field investigation work continues

Brightline West announces temporary roadway closures as field investigation work continues https://www.vvdailypress.com/story/news/2024/06/12/brightline-west-announces-temporary-roadway-closures-for-field-work/74051073007/I think one of th…

Long-distance trainset for Malaysia unveiled

Long-distance trainset for Malaysia unveiled https://www.railwaygazette.com/traction-and-rolling-stock/long-distance-trainset-for-malaysia-unveiled/66732.articleMalaysia seems to be concentrating on electrification, double tracking, and ra…

China Southern Airlines resumed flights between Toyama and Dalian. 2 flights per week per each direction from June 26.

中国南方航空、富山〜大連線の運航再開 6月26日から週2往復 China Southern Airlines resumed flights between Toyama and Dalian. 2 flights per week per each direction from June 26. https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240612301583/CZ614 Toyama(16:00…

Air Asia X launches flights from Osaka/Kansai to Kuala Lumpur via Taipei/Taoyuan from August 1

エアアジアX、大阪/関西〜台北/桃園〜クアラルンプール線を8月1日開設 Air Asia X launches flights from Osaka/Kansai to Kuala Lumpur via Taipei/Taoyuan from August 1 https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240611301698/D7379 Osaka/Kansai(22:25)〜Taip…

Air Asia plans to launch flights from Osaka/Kansai to Kota Kinabaru via Kaohsiung. MAVCOM approved it.

エアアジア、大阪/関西〜高雄〜コタキナバル線の開設を計画 MAVCOMが承認 Air Asia plans to launch flights from Osaka/Kansai to Kota Kinabaru via Kaohsiung. MAVCOM approved it. https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240610301412/After July, 4 flights p…

JR Hokkaido is now thinking about downgrading Limited Express "Taisetsu" train to rapid train in March, 2025 to reduce cost.

特急「大雪」の快速化検討 JR北海道、25年3月に 乗客数低迷、コスト減へ JR Hokkaido is now thinking about downgrading Limited Express "Taisetsu" train to rapid train in March, 2025 to reduce cost. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f849c982ee43…

High-capacity EMU to work steeply graded suburban line

High-capacity EMU to work steeply graded suburban line https://www.railwaygazette.com/traction-and-rolling-stock/high-capacity-emu-to-work-steeply-graded-suburban-line/66632.articleI wonder why China and South Korea can provide commuter tr…

Cathay Pacific Airlines launches a flight between Hong Kong and Riyadh from October 28.

キャセイパシフィック航空、香港〜リヤド線を開設 10月28日から週3往復 Cathay Pacific Airlines launches a flight between Hong Kong and Riyadh from October 28. https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240607301104/CX647 Hong Kong(15:05)〜 Riyadh(20:…

Abuja metro services relaunched

Abuja metro services relaunched https://www.railwaygazette.com/metros/abuja-metro-services-relaunched/66674.articleTrain frequency is not enough. Only 14 trains are operated per day. But, before pandemic, there were just 3 train services p…

Virginia looks to boost passenger services

Virginia looks to boost passenger services https://www.railwaygazette.com/passenger/virginia-looks-to-boost-passenger-services/66687.articleNew River Valley is 280 miles away from Washington. It's surprising to know such a long commuter ra…

Air Canada increases flight routes to India. Toronto - Mumbai(Direct flight) or flights to India via London

エア・カナダ、インド路線強化 トロント〜ムンバイ直行便、ロンドン経由便など Air Canada increases flight routes to India. Toronto - Mumbai(Direct flight) or flights to India via London https://www.traicy.com/posts/20240604300813/From October …

Metro Trains Melbourne was extended to East Pakenham from Pakenham today

Metro Trains Melbourne was extended to East Pakenham from Pakenham today https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Pakenham_railway_stationThe section between East Pakenham and Pakenham was electrified until 2001. But, the section was de-electrif…

Slovenia’s longest railway tunnel broken through

Slovenia’s longest railway tunnel broken through https://www.railwaygazette.com/infrastructure/slovenias-longest-railway-tunnel-broken-through/66636.articleTravel time between Divaca and the port of Koper is 39 minutes by the fastest train…

Kintetsu 8A series train appeared! The first car is named "8A101" Red color on the exterior is characteristic

近鉄、新型車両8A系が登場! 先頭車「8A101」、赤色が目立つ車体に Kintetsu 8A series train appeared! The first car is named "8A101" Red color on the exterior is characteristic https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/980d0702b6b9df4591bd6fc4fe40c830a…