Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2018-03-01 to 1 month

Tokyu 6020 series began commercial operation on March 30, 2018

So, I rode Tokyu trains to take pictures of them. IMG_6258 posted by (C)gozami At Futako-Tamagawa.StaIMG_6265 posted by (C)gozami At Hatanodai.Sta The left one is the new train, while the right one has been the flagship of express on Tokyu…

Why were not they noticed by police

money.cnn.comWhen we want to make something go across nation's border behind police, what would you do? The answer is that what crosses border must be enough small not to be detected by police. I've heard that a man who tried to exile to U…

Why aren't they afraid of influx of contemporary culture?

Emotions high as South Korean pop stars prepare to rock Pyongyang https://edition-m.cnn.com/2018/03/30/asia/kpop-north-korea-red-velvet-intl/index.htmlI'm interested in how North Korean people react contemporary actors and actresses from S…

Why don't you have an South Asian headquarter in GIFT City?

India is building a city from scratch to attract foreign investors http://money.cnn.com/2018/03/28/investing/india-gujarat-gift-city-foreign-investment/index.htmlIt will pose threat to ecnomically growing Asian countries. Not only tax issu…

Why are subways needed in Jakarta?

Jakarta light metro train rolled out http://www.metro-report.com/news/news-by-region/asia-pacific-ex-china/single-view/view/jakarta-light-metro-train-rolled-out.htmlCurrent rail systems in Jakarta play a role as the transportation of local…

Why doesn't authority restrict swimming area?

Struggling in the surf: Australian beaches pose dangers to newcomers https://edition-m.cnn.com/2018/03/24/asia/australia-swimming-dangers-tibetans-intl/index.htmlAt least, to decrease death tolls caused by rips, it would be better to enclo…

Why is Asia the cause?

edition.cnn.com The sentense below would cause disputes "Growing up in Asia, where air pollution is rampant, Travis wanted to protect his skin against pollution"It says as if his skin was damaged just because he is from Asia. Not all of th…

List of World's longest urban rail networks

As of March 24, 2018 Rank Country City Distance Area 1st Japan Tokyo-Yokohama 3995.6km PASMO Area in 2010, Ryutetsu 2nd USA New York 2519.9km Long Island, Metro North, Staten Island, New York City Subway, NJ Transit LRT, PATH, NJ Transit R…

Why don't you have a ride on "Vibrant Express"

www.railwaygazette.comFull inauguration of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High Speed Rail seems to come during the 3rd quarter of 2018. But, construction of the track laying and platforms is considered to be completed, judging from the pictu…

Why conventional transportation survives?

edition.cnn.comSlow and historic transportation can survive by offering luxurious interior. When it comes to ships, there are still many tour plans to visit overseas by ship. And, usually, interior of the ship seems to be extravagant to en…

Why was the Indian company chosen?

Myanmar locomotive handed over http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/traction-rolling-stock/single-view/view/myanmar-locomotive-handed-over.htmlIt's interesting to see meter gauge locomotives imported from the country where broad gauge is dom…

Why don't they feel sympathy?

Inspiring photo of Afghan woman taking university exam while nursing child goes viral https://edition-m.cnn.com/2018/03/20/asia/afghan-mother-university-exam-nursing-intl/index.htmlIf it's broadcasted in Japan, she will be backlashed by th…

Why is it important for criminals to have social lives while in prison?

Humane prison to bring Greenland's most dangerous criminals home https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/16/europe/humane-prison-greenland/index.htmlOne of the reasons why criminals committed crimes is said to be how they relate with society. Thou…

Why don't you exercise for your brain?

edition.cnn.comWe tend to think that exercising is good for health but has nothing to do with brain. But, the research on the article seems to deny the mindset. When it comes to maintain cognitive ability, we try to stimulate brain by deal…

Odakyu 70000 series debut & Odakyu timetable revision(小田急70000系営業開始と小田急ダイヤ改正)

Today was the date that Odakyu, the major private railway around Tokyo revised timetable and installed new train set "Odakyu 70000 series" also named "GSE".Sum of the time table revision is listed below. ・Commuter Semi Express and Commute…

Why wooden buildings are promoted?

edition.cnn.comMany people will concern about deforestation caused by building plyscrapers, the tallest buildings made by woods. But, it's not the case in Japan, where tons of cedar trees were planted after World War 2 to supply a lot of w…

Why was there no one who preserved the couple?

Body of Nobel winner's wife found at Illinois landfill https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/14/us/nobel-winner-wife-dead/index.htmlI thought that elderly people approaching death should be monitored carefully. Especially, when they got dimentia…

Why did they decide to cooperate?

Seoul and Barcelona metro operators sign co-operation agreement http://www.metro-report.com/news/metro/single-view/view/seoul-and-barcelona-metro-operators-sign-co-operation-agreement.htmlWhat's the similarity between Seoul Metro and Barce…

Why was it named differently in English?

Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City station https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Singapore_Guangzhou_Knowledge_City_stationSino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City station is on branching line of Guangzhou Metro Line 14, which opened on D…

Why that app is attractive?

Inflighto: The ultimate app for airplane passengers? https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/inflighto-airplane-tracking-app/index.htmlThe article says "The location identified by the app is more accurate than conventional screen on seat ba…

Why can't they sue?

edition.cnn.comIf a few companies in Singapore violate law because of unpaid salary, workers will be able to change job to get better job. But, if so many companies there pay extremely low salary, workers won't have a choice to change job …

そうにゃんバースデーイベント(Sounyan Birthday Celebration)

Sounyan is the mascot of Soutetsu, the railway company in Kanagawa. Birthday ceremony of it was held at training center in Ryokuen-toshi.IMG_6113 posted by (C)gozami Entrance IMG_6118 posted by (C)gozami Way to the toilet was also decorate…

More trains on Osaka Municipal Subway Lines

Osaka Municipal Subway Timetable revision on March 24, 2018 http://www.kotsu.city.osaka.lg.jp/general/announce/w_new_info/w_new/list_h29_all/20180216_r1r4dia_henko.html・Midousuji Line Train frequency in the morning on weekdays : every 135…

Why do they eat vegetable?

edition.cnn.comWhat makes vegetarians or vegans prioritize to eat vegetable is not only nutritional problems but feeling sorry for animals. Especially, some people in Europe rallied to protest against Japan's whale hunting. Their motivatio…

Why don't they take public transportations?

Taking the complexity out of urban transport ticketing http://www.metro-report.com/news/technology/single-view/view/taking-the-complexity-out-of-urban-transport-ticketing.htmlEspecially, one of the reasons why car users hesitate to use pub…

Why is there all-female TV?

This all-female TV station is bringing women's issues to Afghanistan's attention https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/06/middleeast/afghanistan-women-zan-tv-station-asequals/index.htmlSurely, I'd like to appreciate liberty of broadcasting all-f…

Why don't you take safer aircraft?

What it was really like to fly on Concorde https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/concorde-flying-what-was-it-like/index.htmlWhen I saw Concorde on TV, I thought that there would be more and more aircrafts fly as fast as or faster than Con…

Why don't they prepare for earthquake?

Papua New Guinea earthquake death toll rises to 67 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/05/asia/papua-new-guinea-earthquake-update-intl/index.htmlI wonder why most of the countries along Pacific Earthquake Belt don't take measures for collapsin…

Why did he say that as the leader of the world's economically biggest democratic country?

edition.cnn.comIt shows how President Trump ignores democracy. Trump should notice that he is in charge of controlling world's biggest democratic country. Needless to say, he must be the last man to praise power consolidation of the leader…

Why is it difficult to install new types of aircrafts?

Starling Jet: A jet airplane that takes off like a helicopter https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/starling-jet-airplane/index.htmlIt's difficult to invent new types of the aircrafts. But, it's more difficult to commercialize it. If you …