On my way home, I dropped in at BIC CAMERA*1 Namba branch to replace batteries in my watch.
Because I didn't know which floor has the corner to deal with repairing watches, I stoodin front of the information board furnished on the wall.
After a while, I found it on the 2nd floor and went up to second floor.
I asked a clerk to replace batteries in my watch.
Then, the clerk said "If you want this watch to be checked whether it is water free, it will take few days to finish checking. But, we can finish replacing batteries within 15mins without checking."
I replied "I don't need checking whether it is water free or not."
I was passed the card written "13" and told to wait until 13 on the electric scoreboard turns on.
After killing the time on 4th floor where video games are mainly sold, I returned to the corner.
The number 13 was turned on on the electronic scoreboard.
The clerk returned me the watch and charged 1570 Yen!
It is twice as expensive as my father's estimate, 800 Yen.
*1:One of major mass home electronics retailers in Japan.