Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Entries from 2011-06-01 to 1 month

My boss requested me to work much more time than my suggestion

I offered to work as little as I could during summer vacation in order to ensure the time to study for the entrance examination of graduate school. But, after I submitted my schedule form to her, she sent e-mail to me. The content is that …

An ugly, fat, foolish, and wicked female

I talked with my friend about an ugly, fat, foolish, and wicked female in my department. It goes without saying that she is unfortunate. But, she lives much more happily than your imagination. Whenever you feel unhappy because you realize …

A refresh room is not a room for・・・

In my college, there is a room where students or professors are supposed to discuss something. Lately, a couple appears in the room. Of course, the two discuss something during most of the time. But, the problem is that the two sometimes h…

I found an old acquaintance in the library

When I went to the library in my university, I found a woman whom I've known since I participated in the same class with her in 2008. Though she has already been qualified to be a nurse, she entered the university by the examination for me…


Twitter上で女性専用車両についての是非でたまに盛り上がるが、あれは鉄道会社にとってみれば、「直接的なトラブルを減らすための最適解」なのであって、乗客の意向云々は関係が無いように思われる。 というのも、女性専用車両を導入して痴漢トラブルが減れ…

I went to Nobeha no yu(hot spring), which was opened last Wednesday

People using Kintetsu Nara Line or Osaka Line via Tsuruhashi may know the banner advertising the opening of Nobeha no yu. I was interested in the fact that the facility is a low-rise building, though it is built in the urban area where pri…

Disputing ladies only car

According to my follower on Twitter, a man who was about to ride a ladies only car had a quarrel with a station staff at Amagasaki. The follower told that it is better to ignore the caution by a station staff rather than persuade the staff…

How inconvenient is it for us to move to east-west in Sakai

My senior researcher will have to go to a junior high school near Sakai station. Though direct distance between our college and the junior high school is short, we have to take indirect course when going there by train. Otherwise, we have …

My follower on Twitter became a carrot seller

He suddenly followed me and posted a comment that he wants a picture of Kotomi's peeling a carrot. I guess the carrot was compared with a penis. So, what he really wanted may be the picture of Kotomi's fingering skin of the penis. In fact,…

Passengers under job-hunting

Two passengers near me talked about job-hunting. either of them spoke that an interviewer had asked him what's the top article on the newspaper issued the other day. The interviewer may have asked the question to make sure whether he reads…

I told junior students a fact

Junior students came to the room next to my professor's room. Then, they talked about which laboratory they should belong to. I told them an incident in deciding the arrangement of laboratory members. It is that a female deceived us in ord…

Female applicants are annoying?

My father said female workers who quit job a few months or years after their entry are annoying for him, because it causes lack of workers. The main reason they quit job is their marriage. A wife in my part-time job asked my colleague whet…

Is that female researcher a railway fan?

When I arranged old data, I found a female researcher's data. The data includes her pictures or documents which are nothing to do with her subject of research. I found… ・A picture of Steam Locomotive taken at Niho station on JR Yamaguchi …


http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/20080228 阪神高速、名古屋高速、NEXCO西日本、NEXCO中日本、NEXCO東日本だけ扱っています。 都道府県管轄のものや海外のものは後日扱う予定です。

Mr.Mogi's discussion was accepted by my colleague

I talked with my colleague about job-hunting. Both he and I agreed with Mr Mogi's argument that it makes no sense to rule out applicants who are not graduated from high school or college on designated year. If we want to apply for most of …

My senior researcher wrote odd things on his application form

He is under job-hunting and has to fill in some application forms. In the application form, there is a section on which is supposed to write one's effort during one's college days. Because he couldn't find what to write on, he wrote "I was…

A student was about to be assaulted on by gangs

※Following story was heard from my senior researcher. A friend of my senior researcher ate food sold at a supermarket. Then, he had diarrhea which might be caused by the food. He was so scolded that he complained about it to a clerk of the…


・廃止の経緯 twitter関係の知り合いの急激な増加に伴い、アドレス帳の登録件数が増加しており、メール送信時の平均スクロール時間が長くなっていた。従って、1メール当たりの電力使用効率が悪化の一途を辿っていた。 その上、関西電力エリアでの15%節電に対…

A man collecting girls' saliva was arrested

The article is partly quoted from http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/110614/crm11061415470031-n1.htm (Japanese) In Tokyo, a man was collecting saliva of girls by telling them it is necessary for research. He commented he would like to g…

Yahoo! UK gave me damage

During the class, I visited the website of Yahoo! UK to send my homework to my teacher. Had I hardly click "Mail" when a big picture of a girl in swimsuit displayed on the screen. But, I had to keep the screen on until I finish inputting m…

My brother's friend suddenly appeared

When I ate out at a restaurant near my house with my family, a female clerk hailed my mother. To my surprise, she found my brotherto be her friend in their kindergarten days. At first, we didn't identified her. It is because she made her f…


6月22日に環中線(前海湾〜黄見嶺)が開通予定 6月30日に羅宝線(深大〜機場東)が開通予定 これにより、中国(大陸)で6番目に空港連絡鉄道が開通 上海浦東国際(トランスラピッド*1)、北京首都国際(地下鉄機場線)、上海虹橋(地下鉄2号線、滬寧高速線、…


香港MTR(港鐵)は西鉄線で6月12日からダイヤ変更を行う。 主な変更点 ・終電の繰り下げ 紅勘駅発 兆康行きの終電を0:08→0:25に繰り下げ(屯門には行かないので注意) ・深夜時間帯の増発 当該時間帯に新たに8編成を投入することにより、22:00以降の運転間隔…

Recovering defects

My colleague was thought to eat enormous potato chips. It is because he looks fat. But, Since he got greatest grades on a pre-exam in Kyoto univ, he has been respected. As this story, one looked down on by surroundings can be respected whe…

KEPCO requested us to save electricity consumption by 15%

Because nuclear power stations are ordered to stop running one after another in regular inspection, Kepco(stands for Kansai Electricity Power Co.inc) announced us to save electricity in order to compensate for the shortage of electric powe…

Fake examinees were used on a website

A researcher in my laboratory visited a website advertising textbooks for learning English. To strengthen trust in the website, opinions of the examinees were written on the website. But the researcher doubted opinions are really stated. H…

The difference between Kansai and Kanto on women only car

In Japan, some trains contain a women only car per train. But, some men take the women only cars. Though no law is regulated for such disobedience, female passengers in the women only car deal with them in different ways by regions. In Kan…

Harsh job hunting irritates my childfood friend

A childfood friend of mine is under job hunting. She couldn't find any job but find nursing care jobs. Because nursing care is famous as the hard work, she reject them. Her stress built up to make her eat nothing a day. Moreover, she takes…

The result of the gubernatorial election in Aomori told nuclear power station's fortune

The election was notable because it was to be seen as the conflict between an anti-nuclear power station politician and a pro-nuclear power station politician. Despite increasing concern about safety of nuclear power stations, the pro-nucl…


元々は行くかどうか迷っていましたが、大学に行く用事が出来たので序でに行く事にしました。大学に行ったのは用事で研究室の人に呼ばれていたからですが、その研究室の人が待ち合わせ予定時刻におらず、ずっと待っていました。 暫くしてその人の部室へ向かう…