Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Kintetsu 8A series train appeared! The first car is named "8A101" Red color on the exterior is characteristic

近鉄、新型車両8A系が登場! 先頭車「8A101」、赤色が目立つ車体に
Kintetsu 8A series train appeared! The first car is named "8A101" Red color on the exterior is characteristic

(Summary of the article)
2 cars of the 8A series trains were transported from Kinki Sharyo Plant to Takayasu Depot on May 31.
Since it's slated to be in commercial operation from October, 2024, more trains will be transported from Kinki Sharyo Plant to Takayasu Depot by 2-car unit.
(Summary of the article ends)

In fact, 8A series train was publicized by this transport.
I am looking forward to seeing commercial operation.