Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Fin Air resumes flights between Nagoya/Centrair and Helsinki. There will be 3 flights per week per each direction from the next summer.

フィンエアー、名古屋/中部〜ヘルシンキ線の運航再開 来夏には週3往復に
Fin Air resumes flights between Nagoya/Centrair and Helsinki. There will be 3 flights per week per each direction from the next summer.

(Summary of the article)
From May 30, Fin Air resumed 2 flights per week per each direction between Nagoya/Centrair and Helsinki.
There will be 3 flights per week per each direction from the next summer
(Summary of the article ends)

Nagoya/Centrair is suffering from resuming International flights. In such a situation, revival of the flights to European destination must be good news.