Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Scheduled blackouts in Kepco area will be implemented automatically by installing new systems

※Kepco stands for KANSAI Electric Power CO.INC
In case lack of electricity forces Kepco to implement scheduled blackouts, Kepco decided to install new systems to implement scheduled blackouts smoothly.
The systems are that blackouts areas will be decided automatically by electricity consumption or its peak hours. Development of the systems are going to be started and to be finished by March, 2013.

Before blackouts, Kepco divides its area into 8 groups and 6 groups out of them are scheduled to have blackouts for 2 hrs per day. In addition to it, when Kepco estimates the necessity of scheduled blackouts judging from weather cast or demands, blackouts groups will be selected automatically by estimating how large and when electricity lacks by 5pm the day before blackouts. On the blackouts day, final judgement for the blackouts will be based on supply and demand estimation 2 hours before scheduled time.
The order of transformer substations which operate power supply will be done automatically. The blackouts areas are based on addresses for informing inhabitants of them. Big hospitals and railway companies can be excluded.

Citation: http://www.asahi.com/business/update/0418/OSK201204170197.html

I'm afraid that we can't do anything during the blackouts. And, I can't bear extremely high temperature.
In addition to it, because universities are not excluded from blackouts areas, I can't study in universities