Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Thai Democrat admits to watching porn in Parliament

Thai Democrat Nat Bantadtan admitted he had used his mobile phone to look at a porn image during the meeting to deliberate the charter amendment bill.

The picture of Mr Bantadtan watching the picture on his mobile phone was widely distributed among Facebook users. Mr Bantadtan was caught viewing the photo at almost the same time as a porn image was accidentally shown on a monitor inside the assembly hall.

Mr Bantadtan told the parliamentary meeting on Thursday that he was the Minister of Parliament (MP) whose picture had been distributed among members of social networking sites.

Mr Bantadtan said his friends always sent or tagged photos to him for check and that sometimes, they sent photos just to tease him. He said he opened the picture simply to check what it was and closed it immediately after seeing it. He said it was a picture from his friend and was sent to tease him.

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/ANN/Story/STIStory_790504.html

My junior researchers often visit websites of another laboratory, on which pictures of the members are uploafed. Some of them include pictures of cute ladies. His purpose is to watch such pictures. I thought this is a good way to cheat professors by saying "I'm just watching the website of another researcher in order to learn interdisciplinary fields."