Shin-Keisei Electric Railway will be renamed as Keisei Matsudo Line from April, 2025. No change on timetable and fare.
(Translation starts)
Keisei Electric Railway announced Shin-Keisei Electric Railway Line will be named as Matsudo Line. after acquiring Shin-Keisei Electric Railway in April, 2025.
No change on timetable and fare is planned at the moment of acquisition. So, even if passengers board from the current Keisei Lines, the additional fare will be imposed on them when riding trains through the current Shin-Keisei Line over Keisei-Tsudanuma.
Route Map including Matsudo Line was also publicized. Station Number KS66 is assigned for Shin-Tsudanuma and KS88 is assigned for Matsudo.
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Considering revenue reduction by unification of fare system, it must be difficult to change fare system.