Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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JR Hokkaido is now thinking about downgrading Limited Express "Taisetsu" train to rapid train in March, 2025 to reduce cost.

特急「大雪」の快速化検討 JR北海道、25年3月に 乗客数低迷、コスト減へ
JR Hokkaido is now thinking about downgrading Limited Express "Taisetsu" train to rapid train in March, 2025 to reduce cost.

(Summary of the article)
JR Hokkaido seems to think about downgrading Limited Express "Taisetsu", which runs between Asahikawa and Abashiri twice a day per each direction, to rapid train. To tackle with decreasing passengers caused by increasing private car usage and express bus, they are aiming at cost reduction by reducing staff.(Rapid train does not require conductor).

Rapid train consists of 2 cars, while Limited Express consists of 3 cars.
By the way, Limited Express "Okhotsk" connecting Sapporo and Abashiri will remain as it is.
(Summary of the article ends)

JR Hokkaido is suffering from decreasing passengers caused by extension of paralleling expressways.
To protect train service, drastic change of transportation policy must be needed.