Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism reviews installation of FGT on Hokuriku Shinkansen

With the decision of constructing Hokuriku Shinkansen between Kanazawa and Tsuruga, the Ministry unveiled that they reviews installation of FGT(Free Gauge Train) on a part of the section. FGT is the train whose adjustable wheels enable the train to run directly through to Shinkansen from conventional lines. The purpose is to make passengers move between Tsuruga and Osaka without transferring. Construction of the section between tsuruga and Osaka has not yet been decided to carry out or not due to lack of budget. But, a problem that train set of FGT is heavier than Shinkansen train set arises a concern of increasing maintenance cost of tracks. And then, the Ministry will have difficulty in negotiating JR West.

FGT will be introduced between Osaka and Toyama, where Limited Express "Thunderbird" runs. FGT is supposed to run via JR Kosei Line, while Shinkansen will run between Tokyo and Tsuruga.

Cited from http://sankei.jp.msn.com/economy/news/120127/biz12012719560029-n1.htm (MSN産経ニュース)

I guess that construction of the section between Tsuruga and Kyoto would need large amount of money due to geographical problem. Otherwise, Hokuriku Shinkansen was to be extended from Tsuruga to Maibara ,and connect Tokaido Shinkansen at Maibara. But, when we take the congested diagram on Tokaido Shinkansen into consideration, direct service to Tokaido Shinkansen will be difficult.
So, the plan may be ideal.