Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Kintetsu publicized interior of 8A series train. As well as L/C seats, there will be "Heart-warming Seats(Yasashiba)"

近鉄、新型車両8A系を公開 - L/Cシートに「やさしば」も!
Kintetsu publicized interior of 8A series train. As well as L/C seats, there will be "Heart-warming Seats(Yasashiba)"

(Translation of the article)
Kintetsu held a ceremony to publicize interior of new 8A series train for journalists. It's the first time to install new trains in the past 24 years since installation of "Series 21", which made its debut in 2000. The 8A series trains are slated to run commercial operation on October 7 on Nara Line, Kyoto Line, or Kashihara Line, and so on.
As of May in 2022, the rail company announced "We have a plan to replace 450 cars which were produced from 1965 to 1974 with new trains. The quantity is based on actual ridership."
Kintetsu aims at installing trains which are easy for every passenger, are also user-friendly, environment-friendly, and include crime-free, energy-saving, and barrier-free countermeasures. In parallel with them, they aim at more comfortable train ride.
Regarding 8A series design, Kinki Sharyo is in charge of exterior shape, GK industrial design is in charge of exterior color, Yasuyuki Kawanishi in Ichibansen is in charge of interior desin. Unlike conventional trains, the train uses alphabet series name for the first time in Kintetsu to emphasize that it is new era train which incorporates new features.
Exterior is aimed at familiar design for users by inheriting two-tone color. As a normal train, it incorporated red color as dignified color and common color for users. It also gives us impression of new style with octagonal face and symbolic shape. Side plates were added to prevent passengers from falling off into gangway connection.
8A train consists of 4 cars. Each car has 4 doors on one side. The train has 2 adjustable seat allocations. When it's crowded, it forms bench style seats to let passengers board or alight faster. When it's not crowded, it forms coach style seats. Based on ridership and crowd, the train can provide the most appropriate seat arrangement. It's also possible to provide combination of bench style seats and coach style seats in one car. Big partitions between seats and doors are added.
Seats around the edge of each car are fixed as bench style seats(priority seats). Interior gives us vivid and gentle impression like flower drawing on seat.

The biggest interior feature is "Yasashiba"(Space for baby carriage and bigger suitcase). There are two Yasashiba spaces near center doors on each car. It's the space for passengers having baby carriage, Boston bag, or suitcase without taking care of surrounding passengers. Stoppers are also mounted to fix the location of those bigger baggage. Additionally, Wheel chair space(Free space) is also on each car end.

Doors are placed lower than conventional trains to reduce gap between door level and platform level for easier boarding or alighting. LCD is installed above each door to display information about stopping stations, available items in each station, train operation, and advertisement with multi languages. Per each car, there are 4 surveillance cameras and 2 intercoms to talk with conductor in case of emergency. If the intercom is in operation, it's possible for conductor and train operator to see real time footage through surveillance camera to grasp on-train situation quickly.

The train aims at adjusting temperature more stably to cope with extreme heat or cold by installation of air-conditioner with improved heat exchanging performance, switch to let passengers manipulate each door individually, controlling system of air-conditioner depending on door opening or closure, and more thermocouple sensors for adjusting train temperature. Sanitizing device by radiating ultraviolet LED on the train is also installed. Electricity consumption is reduced by approximately 45% by installing new VVVF inverter control device as well as using LED for interior light, head light ,and tale light.

On Sep 20, the ceremony was taken place for journalists in Yamato-Saidaiji Depot. Publicized train consists of 4 cars, which are 8A102(Ku 8A1 series), 8A202(Mo 8A2 series), 8A302 (Sa 8A3 series), and 8A402(Mo 8A4 series). As well as inheriting Kintetsu-chic two-tone color like conventional trains, exterior red color with more depth of elegance is impressive. Front face design also looks cutting-edge, and then this type of train is expected to be a new face of normal Kintetsu trains.

Theme of interior design is "daily splendor". As well as L/C seats with flower drawing, motif of floor design is wave. It makes us feel that exciting atmosphere and tranquil atmosphere are coexisting. Even when sitting on Yasashiba seat, it makes us feel like being gently embraced, and then it reminds us of seats on Kintetsu Limited Express trains. Yasashiba seats are not only for passengers with baby carriage or big baggage, but for all the passengers. So, if there is an opportunity to board on 8A series train during non-rush hour, it would be better to sit on that seat again.

On Sep 28, photographing festival with fee is scheduled at Miyazu Depot. On Sep 29, trial boarding with fare (Departing from Osaka-Uehommachi for Kyoto via KIntetsu-Nara, Kashihara-jingumae, and Tenri) is scheduled. From Oct 7, commercial running will be started on Nara Line, Kyoto Line, Kashihara Line, and Tenri Line.
In fiscal year of 2024, 48 cars (4 cars×12 trainsets) are slated to be installed, while 36 cars(4 cars×9 trainsets) are in fiscal year of 2025. Installation of this train is also scheduled on other main lines like 8 cars(4 cars×2 trainsets) on Osaka Line, 12 cars(4 cars×3 trainsets), and 12 cars(4 cars×3 trainsets) in 2025.
(Translation of the article ends)

Installation of the train is so slow that I am afraid that some old trains might remain as they are.