Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Why aren't you surprised at premium cars coming at 10 mins headway

京阪「ライナー」朝に増発 プレミアムカー拡大、3000系にも 1月末ダイヤ改正
Keihan's "Liner" added in the morning and more "premium cars" in 3000 series trains on January timetable revision

(Translation begins)
Dec 4, 2020, Keihan Electric Railway announced timetable revision would be done on Jan 31, 2021.
"Liner" service will be increased from current 3 to 4 per day. Operating sections and time table are listed below.

●Osaka-bound Trains (Weekdays)
Sanjo7:00→Kyobashi7:52→Yodoyabashi8:00 (added)
Demachiyanagi7:40→Sanjo7:45→Kyobashi8:40→Yodoyabashi8:47 (Boarding only between Demachiyanagi and Shichijo, liner ticket is not needed between Kyobashi and Yodoyabashi)

●Kyoto-bound Trains (Weekdays)
Yodoyabashi21:58→Kyobashi22:06→Sanjo22:51→Demachiyanagi22:54 (Boarding only between Yodoyabashi and Kyobashi, liner ticket is not needed between Shichijo and Demachiyanagi)

Cars with reserved seats only, named "Premium Car", will be added to more trains. As well as current 8000 series train, each of the 3000 series train will also have premium car.
With this change, all of the limited express trains during daytime are with premium cars. Services will be increased dramatically from current 108 to 177 on weekdays, from 116 to 186 on holidays.
Furthermore, Rapid Limited Express "Rakuraku" shortens its travel time between Yodoyabashi and Demachiyanagi from 50 mins to 48 mins at the fastest train.
Some limited express trains also shortens by 1min in the same section.
During midnight, reduction of trains including cancelling the last train and timetable revision of some trains will be done.
Details will be announced later.
(Translation ends)

In Japan, most railway companies try to reduce trains with reduction of passengers, and increase trains which need additional tickets.