Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

About world's rail news, general news, my train pictures, and travel diary)

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Cathey Pacific Airlines resume Hong Kong - Ningbo route from August 1.

キャセイパシフィック航空、香港〜寧波線の運航再開 8月1日から週4往復
Cathey Pacific Airlines resume Hong Kong - Ningbo route from August 1.

CX956 Hong Kong(11:00)〜Ningbo(13:20)/Mon・Tue・Thu・Fri
CX955 Ningbo(14:30)〜Hong Kong(16:50)/Mon・Tue・Thu・Fri

When people move between Hong Kong and Ningbo by high speed rail, they have to change trains at Hangzhou East or Fuzhou and takes more than 7 hours.
So, flight between Hong Kong and Ningbo should be a chance to get demand which is not covered by high speed rail.