Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Alishan Forest Railway, which reopened this month, was disrupted, due to typhoon

本月刚全线通车 阿里山林业铁路遭台风吹袭又停驶
Alishan Forest Railway, which reopened this month, was disrupted, due to typhoon

(Translation begins)
Alishan railway, which resumed full operation this month was damaged by strong typhoon. Announcement says train suspension will last until the end of August.
According to China Times, it took more than 15 years to rebuild Alishan Forest Railway. This month, it resumed full operation. But, typhoon hit the railway and caused collapsing soils and woods.
Involved departments are planning to clean and repair.
But, recent continuous heavy rain affects repairing speed. The service from Chiayi to Alishan is estimated to be suspended until the end of August. September will be the beginning of operation.
Otherwise, for passenger safety, recreation areas including Alishan National Forest Recreation Area and pedestrian roads are closed.
The strong typhoon was weakened to typhoon, and is gradually being away from Taiwan. So far, there are 3 casualties and injured 380 people
(Translation ends)

Railways built before World War 2 must be susceptible to severe weather. Reconstruction with higher durability must be needed.