[Yokohama Seaside Line]Daytime: 8→6 services per hour. More trains in the morning and evening. Timetable revision on March 27, 2021
(Translation begins)
Yokohama Seaside Line will revise timetable on March 27, 2021. It's aimed at meeting demand changed by pandemic.
Based on current timetable, 8 train services are available an hour(7 or 8 minutes headways). It will be reduced to 6 train services(10 minutes headways). But, in the case of crowd, trains will be operated with 5 minutes headways by adding extra trains.
On the other hand, in the morning and evening, more trains will be operated. In the morning, 16 trains per hour will be operated, though 14 trains per hour are available now.
In the evening, 14 trains will be operated, though 12 trains per hour are available now.
Earlier departure of the last train will be implemented. The last trains in each section will depart 30 minutes earlier than now. The last train for Namiki-Chuo will depart from Shin-Sugita at 23:49, while it does at 0:16. The last train for Namiki-Chuo will depart from Kanazawa-Hakkei at 23:35, while it does at 0:10.
Since spring of 2014, the line has launched the special timetable on Fridays, which includes the last train departing for Namiki-Chuo from Shin-Sugita at 1:00.
This timetable is suspended, due to pandemic, and will be formally abolished at this timetable revision.
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Earlier departure of the last trains and reduction of daytime trains are the biggest trend among Japan's railway companies.
This shows how heavily they are affected by pandemic, though punishable lockdown is not taken place in the country.