Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism


According to a Wikipedia page named "Visa requirements for Venezuelan citizens", Venezuela ranks 32nd in accessibility to the other countries without visa or with arrival visas. It roughly means citizens in Venezuela are 32nd trustworthy ones.
So, it means that its fame can be dropped to the Middle Eastern terrorists, if visa fraud is revealed and admitted by Venezuelan authority. As well as it, Venezuelan government has to take resposibility such as cabitnet reshuffling. That's why every venezuelan except for Lopez totally denies the incident.

But, it's not too late to recover. If every Iraqi citizen who received(bought?) Venezuelan passports illeaglly is identified, all of their entry to every country can be banned by informing every country of their identifications .

Anyway, Venezuelan government has to take measures not to protect themselves but to protect the other countries.