Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Philippines hopeful of discovering onshore oil

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/philippines-hopeful-discovering-onshore-oil-20120910

About a month ago, it was reported frequently that Spratly Islands are invaded by China(People's Republic of China). The main purpose of China's invading must be finding and digging for oil lying under the bottom of South China Sea. But, this finding gave Philippine a chance to get oil without having opponents.

In East Asia, there many disputing islands, most of which are caused by interests of buried oil or areas of the sea. Recently, Liancourt Rocks have been taken up since PM Lee's sudden visiting the islands.
Because Japan claims the islands as territories, it has played a major role as Japan–Korea disputes.
By the way, when I boarded Korean Air, electronic map on the back of each seat displayed Dokdo, which is the name of Liancourt Rocks in S.Korea.
I thought how strongly Korean Air is attached to the islands・・・.