Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Nankai, Hanshin, Hankyu, Sanyo, each electric railway company decided to abolish smoking areas.

In Japan, few railway companies prohibit smoking on platforms.
Most companies set up smoking areas on the edge of platforms.

But, because more and more people knew how smoking do harm on our health, railway companies began to change the rule allowing passengers to smoke in some areas.

Then 4 companies written on today's title enforced the new rule denying passengers to smoke in any area. This is the first companies in major private railways whose headquarters locate in Osaka to ban any smoking.

I can't understand why so many people are motivated to smoke, despite they know its risk.
I've heard that some teenagers began to smoke on the purpose of being "ADULT". It seems that their delusive adult is a man drinking alcohol, smoking, wearing pierced earrings, dying their hair etc….
They should realize that such a delusive man is just "DQN*1".

*1:Stands for delinquent.