Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Air Asia inaugurates Kota Kinabaru - Ho Chi Minh Route from December 3. There will be 3 flights per each direction per week

エアアジア、コタキナバル〜ホーチミン線を開設 12月3日から週3往復
Air Asia inaugurates Kota Kinabaru - Ho Chi Minh Route from December 3. There will be 3 flights per each direction per week.

AK1630 Kota Kinabaru(11:45)〜Ho Chi Minh(12:55)/Tue・Thu・Sat
AK1631 Ho Chi Minh(13:25)〜Kota Kinabaru(16:35)/Tue・Thu・Sat

As far as I know, this one should be the only flight between Vietnam and Kota Kinabaru.
With increasing rich and semi-rich people in Vietnam, there will be much more flights to resort destinations like Kota Kinabaru.