Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Travel Diary on July 4, 2024

(Pictures will be uploaded later)
My family left home during midnight and headed for a nearest airport. We boarded an aircraft to Atlanta.
In Atlanta, we ate various foods for lunch.
We boarded Delta flight to Toronto.

At boarding gate

On board

I expected that there would be long queues in front of immigration booths and some questions from immigration officer. But, as a result, we processed immigration procedures by ourselves at kiosk. And, a staff walking around kiosk just asked us about our purpose of entry to Canada.

We boarded LINK train to Terminal 1 Station, and then changed trains to UP Express.
Greater Toronto Airports Authority Cable Liner in Terminal 3.Sta, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada /July 4, 2024
LINK Train

When we bought Presto Cards, vending machine worked so slowly that some people were queuing behind me.

The train departed the Terminal 1 Station and moved slowly until running through curves. But, the train was accelerating over 130km/h. Intermediate stations before arriving at Union Station are Weston and Bloor only. I found one more station is under construction between Weston and Bloor. The new station seems to be Mount Dennis station, according to Wikipedia.

We arrived at Union Station

At Union Station, we ate Ramen at Sansotei located underground food court of the station.
Staff at the Ramen shop looks like Japanese(At least, Asian). But, his English was so fluent that I couldn't judge if he is definitely Japanese.

After dinner, we walked to subway station.

Japanese toys were sold in underground shopping mall

Subway Station

We boarded Subway Line 1 to Vaughan Metropolitan Centre station, and walked to hotel.

Hotel Entrance

Hotel lobby

Scene from its room

I walked to nearby Walmart

When I went bacl to the room, it was completely dark.