Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Jin Air inaugurates Seoul/Incheon - Takamatsu flight

韓国LCCジンエアー 7月に仁川―高松線就航
Jin Air inaugurates Seoul/Incheon - Takamatsu flight

The flight will be inaugurated from July 18.
Departing Incheon at 8:35 for Takamatsu
Departing Takamatsu at 11:00 for Incheon

From September 19, time will be changed to below.
Departing Incheon at 12:05 for Takamatsu
Departing Takamatsu at 14:30 for Incheon.

Including the conventional flights, there will be 2 flights per day per each direction between Seoul and Takamatsu.