Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

About world's rail news, general news, my train pictures, and travel diary)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています。

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ワシントン首都圏交通局、MARC、VRE(WMATA、MARC Train, VRE)

Virginia Railway Express MPI MP36PH-3C
Virginia Railway Express MPI MP36PH-3C near C Interlocking, Washington DC, US / January 30, 2017
MARC Train Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 series MARC Train Bombardier MARC IV
MARC Train Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 series(left) in Washington Union Station, Washington, D.C., US /Jan 30, 2017 MARC Train Bombardier MARC IV near C Interlocking, Washington DC, US / January 30, 2017
MARC Train MP36PH-3C series
MARC Train MP36PH-3C series in Washington DC Union Station, Washington DC, US /August 12, 2024
Washington Metro 5000 series Washington Metro 7000 series
Washington Metro 5000 series in Wiehle–Reston East station, Reston,  Fairfax County, Virginia, US /Jan 30, 2017 Washington Metro 7000 series in New Carrollton station, PG County, MD, US /August 12, 2024
RATP(DC Streetcar) Škoda 10 T series
RATP(DC Streetcar) Škoda 10 T series in Union Station, Washington DC, US /August 12, 2024

北東回廊の都市鉄道写真一覧に戻る(Go back to Urban rails in Northeast Corridor)