Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Asiana Airlines launch Yamaguchi/Ube - Seoul/Incheon flight as charter until Feb 2

アシアナ航空、山口宇部〜ソウル/仁川線で双方向チャーター 2月2日まで12往復
Asiana Airlines launch Yamaguchi/Ube - Seoul/Incheon flight as charter until Feb 2

OZ1363 Seoul/Incheon(09:30)〜Yamaguchi/Ube(10:55)/Wed・Fri・Sun(Jan 8〜Feb 2)
OZ1353 Yamaguchi/Ube(12:05)〜Seoul/Incheon(13:40)/Wed・Fri・Sun(Jan 8〜Feb 2)

From Ube, passengers have to go to Fukuoka Airport or Hiroshima Airport to go to Seoul. It takes more than 2 hours from Ube to these airports. So, it's a good idea to launch direct flight from Yamaguchi/Ube Airport.