Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Why did the city open border?

Hong Kong’s U-turn on quarantine is a sign Beijing still needs its gate to the West

Free traveling into Hong Kong and strict border quarantine in Mainland China disrupt the two, as if it's the era of Cold War. But, the biggest difference is who governs Hong Kong. During Cold War, the Asia's World City used to be a part of UK, meaning there was no reason to be interfered by Beijing. So, we can take it for granted that there was difference of immigration systems. But now, the city is formally a part of People's Republic of China, and is actually facing crisis of political liberty amid Beijing's stronger pressure on the city. Furthermore, current chief of executive in Hong Kong is John Lee, who is a major contributor of crackdown on democratic movement in 2019. When we see these factors, Hong Kong must be least likely to pave difficult ways on Covid protection from Mainland China.
However, the fact is completely opposite to the speculation.

Potential reasons would be
・Beijing's consideration about Hong Kong's special economic environment(weak internal market)
・John Lee's prominent negotiation ability

Anyway, the special administrative city restarted intentional interaction.