Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Contradiction occurs

I was invited to a drinking session planned by a lady in another laboratory.
Because no one in my laboratory intend to participate in it, I and my senior researcher decided to participate in it in order not to hurt the lady. By the way, one of my junior researcher decided to be absent from the drinking session due to reluctance of most of his friends in the lady's laboratory.

Next, I went to the lady's laboratory to submit a list of participants. Then, the lady said to me "How few participants there are! Why?"
I: A junior researcher said that his friend was reluctant to participate in it. So he also obeys his friend's attitude.
The lady: Really? most of the researchers in my laboratory are willing to take part in it.

Her statement and my junior researcer's statement contradicts.
But, as is often the case with the lady, she lies. So, I'm not surprised at the incident.