Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Derailment of a freight train. The train's speed was 70km/h in the station

JR Hokkaido commented on derailment of the freight train happened at Higashi-Oiwake station on Sekisho Line in the evening on 16, March.They revealed "The freight train's speed was 70km/h when the train went into the station, while the speed limitation there was 45km/h. The official of JR Hokkaido said "Because there was something wrong with normal brake, the driver used emergency brake until derailment." The official also said "the driver had nothing to be blamed."

According to the official, former 5 cars of 16 cars were derailed, and then the locomotive crashed against the snow shelter. Though the driver was only a passenger in the train, the driver didn't get hurt.

Because Higashi-Oiwake station was on a single truck section, Signaling system was about to stop the train to have the train meet another train at the station. The driver braked 800m short of the signal. But the brake was too loose to stop. So, he used emergency brake only to result in keeping on running all the way to the station. At last, the train was running through safety truck and derailed in order to avoid crashing against the other trains. No error was detected on the latest inspection.

Transportation safety commission in Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism sent two examiners there.
JR Hokkaido decided to suspend 45 trains including Limited Express "Tokachi" partly. Alternative bus service began between Sapporo and Shin-Yubari.
Passengers stood in lines at Sapporo station in the morning. An employee who is about to go back home from Sapporo, where he stayed for business trip, said "JR should be careful of safety. I'm planing to rent a car instead of waiting for the alternative bus."

Citation: http://mytown.asahi.com/hokkaido/news.php?k_id=01000001202170008 (asahi.com)

In addition to it, fire accident in niniu tunnel happened last year on Sekisho Line. But, it was a mercy that no one was killed in both of the accidents.