Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Bin Laden's secret was showed off

Quoted from The independent
Did Bin Laden really have secret porn stash?

Roderick T Long, a professor of philosophy at Auburn University, Alabama, and a mainstream blogger, wrote: "I have no problem believing that Bin Laden was a hypocrite. But I also have no problem believing that the US government is a liar. Hence I have no opinion one way or other as to the existence of Bin Laden's alleged porn collection.
United States revealed Bin Laden's private life.

Probably, United States wanted to show moslems that he was no more than a man in order to let them stop worshipping.

American strategies considering phychological effects on people in Islamic countries can't be imitated.

By the way, I hear that my senior researcher went to adult-entertainment establishments everyday while he was engaged in job-hunting.
Sexual desire seems common all over the world.