Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

About world's rail news, general news, my train pictures, and travel diary)

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List of my travel diary My train photoes The other contents

Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

Taiwan vice rail chief arrested for taking bribes

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/taiwan-vice-rail-chief-arrested-taking-bribes-20121101 When I went to Taiwan last July, I found an advertisement on which the following sentences are written. “Because Taiwa…

Malaysia not terror recruitment ground: Home Minister

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/malaysia-not-terror-recruitment-ground-home-minister-20121031 It is interesting, if one of the reasons why Malaysia is used as a major transit site for terrorists is usabili…

Downtown Line costs soar by more than 70%

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/downtown-line-costs-soar-more-70-20121030 I wonder why the route of Downtown line has been changed many times. Basically, most of the line would be underground.So, all o…

I had fever today

So, I came home earlier than usual. Some people around me also caught cold. Since this season is the border between autumn and winter, some people seem to fail to catch up with the change of temperature.

Accidental coincidence

Last Friday, I said to my friend "How about going to this hot spring near your house?" He replied "If I have a chance, I'd like to!"Today, my father went out, and came home at this evening. He told that he went to the same hot spring, desp…

I wonder my boss will do

Though it has been said that females over 30-year-old are not treated as young by males, my boss ignores or can't make her boyfriend so far. She has already been over 30-year-old ,and most people must regard her style as beautiful. So, wit…

SMRT fined $100 for overcrowded bus service

Citation:http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/smrt-fined-100-overcrowded-bus-service-20121026 If there were such regulations in Japan, most of the bus companies in huge cities that have more than million people would c…

Ownership of my senior researcher is claimed by both of the ladies

My senior researcher has already had his girl friend. However, a girl who is in the same club with him is also planning to make him her boy friend. When he talked about it, he said ”I‘m a center man” What it means is “If he were to be shar…

Complex Tokyo grade-separation project completed

Citation: http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/projects-infrastructure/single-view/view/complex-tokyo-grade-separation-project-completed.html In Japan, there is a law which bans to construct crossings on newly constructed rail lines.But, co…

Japan's radiation monitoring unreliable: Greenpeace

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/asia/story/japans-radiation-monitoring-unreliable-greenpeace-20121023 As I expected, Greenpeace adopted the policy of anti-nuclear power stations. And, radical activities conducted by Gre…

I heard that it makes no sense to learn from books for self-development

A staff of a battery maker came to my university, and talked about how important the battery maker is for the future. One of the impressive things I remember is that the staff said we had better not read self-development books which are th…

After the full recovery of Senseki Line, the line is going to be connected to Tohoku Line

JR East announced that Senseki Line, part of which has been suspended because of Tohoku Earthquake, will be connected to Tohoku Line to run through trains. The travel time between Sendai and Ishinomaki will be shortened by 10 mins, though …

Some train pictures were added

Train pictures I took in South Korea and United States were added to the gallary in the following URL http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/19991231#abroad rail picture

Myanmar gives green light to foreign credit cards

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/myanmar-gives-green-light-foreign-credit-cards-20121019 Before entering the university, I didn’t realize the convenience of credit card(s). It is because I didn’t have a cre…

Egypt teacher cuts girls' hair for not wearing veil

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/world/story/egypt-teacher-cuts-girls-hair-not-wearing-veil-20121018 Though I don’t know the detail situation, I think it is not good for teachers to abuse their own authority. The authori…

Body of late Cambodian king arrives home

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/body-late-cambodian-king-arrives-home-20121017 I’ve heard that those who need heavy medical care in Cambodia will be transported to Thailand or Singapore. But, Beijing is fa…

Body of late Cambodian king arrives home

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/body-late-cambodian-king-arrives-home-20121017 I’ve heard that those who need heavy medical care in Cambodia will be transported to Thailand or Singapore. But, Beijing is fa…

My senior researcher is earnest in preparing for job hunting

He collects magazines and materials in which introduction of companies and how to succeed in job hunting are written. Though I also have to prepare for job hunting, I don’t know what to do and how to do it in an effective way. The most ser…

Scotland moves step closer to independence vote

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/world/story/scotland-moves-step-closer-independence-vote-20121015 United Kingdom seems to be generous to the independence of domestic region, which is contrasted with East Asian countries…

I finished uploading pictures taken last week

The pictures are shown in the following URL. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/special-rapid223/20121007#1349726816 Sorry for uploading more lately than the deadline I announced.

200,000 Singaporeans living abroad, up 27% from 2003

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/200000-singaporeans-living-abroad-27-2003-20121014 Singapore's land area is so small that Singaporeans are more likely to go abroad. Especially, I saw a lot of cars moving…

A Taiwanese christian spoke to me

On my way to Nakamozu station, a strange man came into my sight,and he spoke to me. Then, I thought he lost his way and asked me to tell him the way to a facility. But, he began to persuade me into buying. He started with the following sen…

European Union wins Nobel Peace Prize for uniting continent

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/world/story/european-union-wins-nobel-peace-prize-uniting-continent-20121012 After the fall of the (West) Roman Empire, countries in West Europe had wars many times until the end of WW2. …

New wave of militants in Bali biding their time

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/new-wave-militants-biding-their-time-20121011 My grandmother said “I saw our bus underwent security check at a gate of a facility, and the bus did security inspection again …

350 million people have depression in world: WHO

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/technology/story/350-million-people-have-depression-world-who-20121009 Though it may be due to my poor vocabulary, in my elementry school days, I hadn‘t heard the word ’depression’ as fre…

What a Singaporean couple praised exposed a problem Japanese citizens have

Today, when I got off Shinkansen at Kyoto, couples who sat next to me spoke to me. I talked with them about various topics. When I took them to the first floor of Kyoto Station, where many restaurants stand in line, the man of the couple s…

I went to take pictures of trains on Oigawa Railway

I went there by car. The train is given by Kintetsu It has been used since WW2, and was also used in Thailand The train is given by Keihan I stayed at a hotel in front of Bentenjima Station on Tokaido Line From the hotel, I could see train…

Facebook and Twitter more tempting than sex: Study

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/technology/story/facebook-and-twitter-more-tempting-sex-study-20121006 I think that frequency of brousing Twitter is much higher than that of doing facebook, as far as I watched. Surely, …

1 in 5 Russian women willing to marry Putin: poll

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/world/story/1-5-russian-women-willing-marry-putin-poll-20121005 I'm surprised at how many Russian women like the bald head. Anyway, as is often the case with statesmen who leave radical c…

I found a big eater among females

Today, I ate out with 3 men and with a lady at a restaurant which is famous for serving large amounts of food. Any menu would make me full stomach. So, I was afraid that the lady could eat what she ordered. But, after eating my dinner, I f…