Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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UPS to drop bid for TNT Express after EU refusal plan

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/money/story/ups-drop-bid-tnt-express-after-eu-refusal-plan-20130114

I thought UPS was about to buy TNT(=Tri Nitro Tluene). As chemists know, TNT is one of famous materials to make bombs.
In fact, TNT in this context means Thomas Nationwide Transport. Recently, I've heard M&A or merger of huge companies many times. I'm concerned that this trend would lead to monopolize markets. In S.Korea, financial combine groups occupy more than half of Korean GDP. Its phenomena shows Korean combines can cope with globalization but destroy smaller businesses.
It is difficult to judge which is more important, globalization or local businesses?