Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Why do they cause terrorism?

16 years after 9/11: The state of the terrorist threat

Direct instruction from ISIS or radicalists is no more a major cause of terrorism in the United States. The most horrible people are those who were brainwashed by such a radical ideology.
So, what the US government has to do is not to let people isolated from its society. Especially, those who can't interact with others and aren't satisfied with their lives are likely to be susceptible to that.

Why don't you see a steam locomotive revived in Tobu Railway

SL Taiju, the steam locomotive which Tobu Railway borrows from JR Hokkaido, runs between Kinugawa-Onsen and Shimo-Imaichi in Tochigi.pref, Japan.
I went there to see the locomotive.

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I went to Utsunomiya to ride Nikko Line train

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At Tsuruta, intermediate station

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At Shimotsuke-Osawa, I guess

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We got off at Imaichi

From the station, we walked to Shimo-Imaichi station on Tobu Line.
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SL museum at Shimo-Imaichi station

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Shimo-Imaichi Depot

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SL Taiju arrived at the station

Tobu DE10 series in  Shimo-Imaichi.Sta, Nikko, Tochigi, Japan /Sep 10, 2017
Coaches pulled by the steam locomotive were also pushed by this diesel locomotive to supplement the power

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SL Taiju on Railway turntable

Tobu C11 series in Shimo-Imaichi.Sta, Nikko, Tochigi, Japan /Sep 10, 2017
SL Taiju

After taking the picture, we boarded train for Tobu-Nikko.
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By this one

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Just before Tobu-Nikko station, we can see JR Nikko station

Yagan Railway 6050 series in Tobu-Nikko, Nikko, Tochigi, Japan /Sep 10, 2017
And, got off at Tobu-Nikko

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Station nameplate

We hanged out around Nikko.
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Many languages

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Shinkyo Bridge

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JR Nikko station

After sightseeing, we went back home by JR Nikko Line.
JR East 205series(600s) in Nikko.Sta, Nikko, Tochigi, Japan /Sep 10, 2017
Train on JR Nikko Line

We went back to Utsunomiya.

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Utsunomiya is famous for dumpling, and it's the statue of dumpling

Why is it important to take care of scents?

Scents on a plane: Why the aviation industry is waking up to fragrance

One of the biggest memory during the trip to the foreign countries is scents at each airport. Most of them come from duty free cosmetic retailers.
Every time I smell such scent, I realise that I'm travelling and enhances my motivation.
As far as my sense, it would be important to take care of scents.

Why isn't it possible to see high speed trains in Siberia?

Tracklaying complete on Harbin – Jiamusi fast line

Jiamusi is one of the nearest cities to Russian border. The direct distance between the border and Jiamusi is nearly one hundred kilometers.
So, high speed rail will have reached from Beijing to Russian border in the near future.
Though construction of China-Laos high speed rail was announced, China-Russian version is still pending.
Is it possible to see high speed trains in Khabarovsk some day?

Why are Japan's suburban department stores closing one after another?

Japan's suburban department stores in front of train stations are at crisis

Mitsukoshi-Isetan, one of the biggest department store chains in Japan, decided closure of Matsudo branch.
Like Matsudo branch, suburban department stores have been deprived of their customers by downtown stores in Tokyo and then forced to close or shrink the size of the stores. So, we can say that suburban stations around Tokyo are now losing their functions as downtowns of suburban cities.

Why are Rohingya people discriminated?

Aung San Suu Kyi blames 'terrorists' for Rohingya 'misinformation'

Though I don't know if Rohingya is related with Islamic State or radical Islamic Principlists, Aung San Suu Kyi's policy wouldn't be ideal.
If she think that Rohingya has something to do with Islamic extremists, she should concentrate military power on the state or restrict entry to the state.

Oppression against Islamic ethnicity would generate Islamic extremists as rebellious movement.

Why do they want to build monorails in Yinchuan?

BYD-built monorail opens in Yinchuan

In mid-20th century, monorail was expected to be futuristic transportation.
But, as a result, it couldn't be a major transportation in urban areas, because monorail trains cannot go through conventional railways and maintaining cost is higher than ordinary railways.

But, monorail can be superior to monorails, when it comes to mountainous cities.
Since I don't think Yinchuan is the case, I wonder why the city adapted monorail systems.