Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Echigo Tokimeki Railway announced "Free ride days for children"

えちごトキめき鉄道 子ども運賃無料 実施
Echigo Tokimeki Railway announced "Free ride days for children"

(Translation of the article)
Echigo Tokimeki Railway announced "Free ride days for children". It will be on August 10(Sat) to 12(Mon) in 2024.
By offering staff, elementary school students will get tickets. They are valid on all of the local trains and express trains. Riding on trains through or from other railway lines is not covered by them.
At Naoetsu D51 Rail Park, Itoigawa Geo Station Geo Pal, Nakago Satomarumu(Cafe), and Myoko Sunshine Land, some presents are available. (Quantity and day can be limited)
(Translation ends)

Free ride campaign for children is popular in recent Japan. Echigo Tokimeki Railway seems to be on that trend.