Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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United States marks 15th anniversary of 9/11


When I saw the accident 15 years ago, I couldn't understand what was happening on the TV screen. I thought it was a flight accident.
But, one day after the accident, music teacher told me how serious the accident was.

The seriousness promoted momentum of begining war against Afghanistan and Iraq. Since then, endless war or unrest in Middle East still continues with thousands of US military's death toll. So, War in these countries also became serious. The seriousness of war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria diverted Americans to stop war.
But now, seriousness of ISIS attack on European countries increased supporters of Trump, who wants to remove Muslims.
9/11 carried out by tens of people brought billions of people around the world into chaos and horror.

Is there anyone who can find the way to minimize damage totally?