Diary of a rail fan in Kansai,Japan(Ver.2)

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Time to say yes to paternity leave, says (Singapore's) PM Lee

Citation: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/time-say-yes-paternity-leave-says-pm-lee-20120826

I've already known that Singapore is troubled with being one of the lowest fertility rate countries in the world. A few years ago, NHK,a Japanese TV station, broadcasted that Singapore recruited new Singaporeans from foreign countries. Though I don't know whether this policy has succeeded or not, Singapore still seems to seek a solution to the low fertility rate.
Paternity leave is one of them. But, I think the cause of the low fertility rate is similar to that of Japan. Then, it would be more important to encourage females to marry as soon as possible regardless of their promotion in their companies rather than urging males to grow children.

Oh, this way of thinking may be scolded by feminists.